Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Better Late Than Never - State of the Union

Q.  Lynn, The State of the Union address: Bidet was so a robot. He hardly looked at the notes that were written for him.  He just talked and quoted various numeric figures. What real person can actually remember that kind of info? I felt like I was watching an episode of The Hunger Games....a robot or a clone.  What was it?  There was also NO thought of actually cutting spending and setting a balanced budget as a goal. So very sad.  

A.  We have a couple things going on with this question.  Let's start with Biden.  Did anyone notice that his arrival was delayed?  I wanted to be certain I had my facts right as I remember seeing that there was some chaos outside the building which made navigating through the protestors difficult.  Upon fact-checking this, I stumbled upon a comment HERE stating he was late due to "shitting his pants and needing a diaper change," but upon further fact checking it was indeed rioting that was the culprit.  You can see the footage HERE.

I too was surprised at how attentive Biden was.  Once behind the podium, he seemed alert and able to deliver a speech.  His behavior was very uncharacteristic and he most certainly didn't seem himself.  I'm sure many were asking what was going on as if we were in a Twilight Zone. 

Was it Adderall? A body double?  A clone?  Something wasn't adding up.  This poor guy can barely find his way off a stage, and he was reciting stats left and right.  After giving this a "sniff test" (pun intended) I STRONGLY sense they broke out the prosthetic face mask and had a double deliver this speech.  With the eleck-tions around the corner they have to create the illusion of him being competent until they can come up with a better plan.  What we see is shaping our reality, even though our reality is compromised.   It is good to question EVERYTHING and don't allow them to fill your mind with lies.

The reason there was no talk of a balanced budget or plan to cut spending is because they aren't going to balance it or cut costs.  Inflation will continue rise, money will be spent overseas and our border has become a joke as herds of people billow over it- each receiving free funds for housing and food.  

This country is so far gone that I worry we cannot recover.  It will take God and a miracle to undo what the evil have fast-tracked over the past decade.  Let's pray the LORD comes back sooner rather than later.


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Robert Schoen said...

I'm proud to say I never bothered to watch it at all because once you know it's a fake Joe Biden what's the point it's just a sham act for the sheeple and I am grateful this last three and a half years has been a vacation from following pretend news which I'm sure will all disappear when the real president takes charge.

SB said...

They can’t ensoul dna I figure that is why the clones are like robots that have to be controlled.

margaret m martin said...

It's all dark deception...even kamala's laughter seems mocking and disingenuous. the whole regime is a masquerade just like how they dress up for the creepy parties they partake in..God will triumph in the end of it fears

Truth & light said...

This cannot be reality!

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

Thanks for the comments. I agree, God will win. We are Babylon right now..