Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Yesterday's Eclipse

Hi everyone!  I hope you all had a great day yesterday.  Seeing the solar eclipse in 100% totality was one of the coolest things I've ever experienced!  I wanted to share a few pics even though they don't do it justice. Blessings, Lynn 
Odin (Our Fur Baby)

iPhone Camera

P900X Camera 


Truth & light said...

So kool

The enlightened one said...

Did you go and watch it with your whole family?
I hope your kids got to leave school early, so they could get home in time to watch it.

margaret m martin said...

Awesome in KY !!!!!

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Truth and light: It was awesome. So glad I got to see the totality with my own eyes.

@The enlightened one: Yes, the whole family went. Even the dog. I pulled them out of school for the day (the school dismissed early anyway for the eclipse and cancelled all activities) and we went to a remote park not too far away. It was great and zero traffic (we were concerned if something were to happen we wanted to make sure we weren't by a city or popular area). Go glad we did it.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@margaret: Did you get totality? I can't even put in words what it was like. Can you imagine living centuries ago and having that happen? Ring of fire...

margaret m martin said...

Yes it was dark like a dark storms approach and as per usual I saw little horseshoes on the ground like back in the 90s... Such a solemn feeling !!!!