Thursday, April 4, 2024

2 Priority Requests: F6 Tornado and Russian Terrorist Attack

True for Ohio too! lol
Q. Hi Lynn, Can you look at the “upcoming” F6 tornado predicted by the “time traveler”.

A. In our unprecedented times we are trying to learn about what unexpected things to expect. I see people seeking out information and attempting to sort out what feels right versus what doesn't. It is near impossible to get real answers in this luciferin world that is overwhelmed with fear porn.

Having said that, most things are either false, have a false narrative or are manufactured to add to the fear, but there are still a few nuggets of truth out there. 

We have a few things going on that could definitely spark some kind of "event" especially with elek-tions around the corner. It came to me that watching all this political stuff is not much different than watching a WWF match with all the characters as they evoke emotion, infighting, division and most importantly a distraction. Creating controversy and having us emotionally charged is right where they want us, and if we are being honest the more "liberal leaning" characters open the floodgates for all the other blasphemy of the world with the attacks on our children, gyn-der confusion, unvirtuous behavior, loose morality and all things satanic. In politics, the more conservative leaning people still feel to be playing a role [not all, but definitely some] to represent traditional values and Christian culture.  
One is identified with blue hair and the other a red hat - they even have their costumes. [Heck, I even have a red shirt that matches my hat.] Hence we have the liberal characters versus the conservatives, each playing their own role. 

To keep the fight alive, and keep the battle going, we need constant struggle, strife and agendas to debate. One is the cly-mate and it is a big time suck of energy. Countless hours, events and effort have been put toward this, and it really comes down to money. If they cared they would do things that matter, and start small - like stop using disposable lunch trays in schools or stop with all the k-cup plastic in the landfill. There is so much out there they could do and don't it is laughable that they even make these bogus arguments after arriving on their personal jet.  Yet they keep the myth alive because of all the $$...

The money paired with the money green agenda also down spirals into another caveat of control with the cars that can be remotely shut down, or travel distances being so poor you can't go a distance, or the wait times are so ridiculous you spend hours getting a charge... [Do you see the trap?]

But back to the question of a massive tornado...

They are working HAARP overtime to shake things up for the upcoming elek-tions to create a situation so we have to rely on the mail AGAIN. We have to have some disasters and also some distractions. I sense these will pile up even more in the near future. Where I live in Ohio we just had several tornados (last night to be exact) and many schools and businesses closed so people could get home safe. They are cooking the earth and the skies trying to manipulate things, but they are like children trying to play God (which we know what the bible says about that).

I do think Oklahoma among other places will see a lot of storm activity and strange weather. I also sense there will be some tornados, and some will be destructive. I don't think there will be a massive one, but I would expect several as we shift into summer. Any tornado should be taken serious, and there will be destruction, but I don't think this will break the category scales.

Q. Who was behind the Russian terrorist shooting? Isis as the US claims? Ukraine as Russia is now suggesting?

A. I've learned that if someone claims the credit, they most likely didn't do it. The whole thing feels off... This is what I suspect...

Once all the "holy warring" started, the light was off U-crane. U-crane wants the attention and money directed at them versus it going southeast of Europe. U-crane is possible of a little confrontation, especially since the US helped to pad their armory, but they aren't capable of a huge fight. I see them like the little bird picking at the big bird in flight, and when the big bird fights back, they will have the attention and defense of the US back.   They are stoking a war and trying to pull Russia into one.  Russia is smart and tactical- but also strong. If you've ever heard the phrase FAFO, these other countries might find out if they keep messing with Russia.

ISIS is just the scapegoat and distraction... What ever they are selling, don't buy it and wherever they tell you to look, turn your head the opposite way.  Remember, we are in a coo-koo world.  Nothing is as it seems.


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RL said...

Thank you Lynn! Can you please do a priority reading about April 8th. CERN announced that they are turning on their big machine during the eclipse, and people are saying they are trying to open a portal. As if that isn't bad enough NASA is launching rockets during the eclipse too and it has been named serpent deity. I think it is a big ritual or something like that. It gives me the creeps.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...
