Monday, March 18, 2024

The Lies Get Deeper - Stolen Identity - Birth of an Evil Empire

I must say, once you go down the rabbit hole of truth, God will keep putting more in your path.  I have a few big posts I'm working on this week, and I can [hopefully] put the message out there.  This is deep, so I will gauge it as I go and most definitely chose my words wisely... Please feel free to fact check and share anything you find.  Buckle up... 

Who has heard of the Khazars or Khazarian Mafia?  These are evil, powerful people that practiced ruthless behavior.  They formed a plan centuries ago to take over the world, and have been playing the long game ever since.  

These Khazars, [or descendants of Satan] had a common practice of roaming Europe, killing people in their path, stealing their belongings AND ASSUMING their identity to present themselves as someone they weren't for personal gain..  So you see where I'm going with this...

This successful tactic led them to a new strategy and in many ways weaponized the Bible.  They took The Word to their advantage, mocked it and stole a heritage that was not theirs to take. They are nothing more than imposters...

I need to stop here and jump to another platform.  In proofreading this I KNOW this won't be allowed to fly - too much truth is  spelled out.  Please visit me on SubscribeStar or Substack.  Thank you again for the support! 


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