Why shut down all electricity and the airport?
Hopefully you know what I'm talking about.
A. I did hear about this and as I watched the video I wanted to see what I was able to glean. I sense this "event" was supposed to be much bigger on the front end than it really was. It was supposed to be a "big show" that did require this type of response. I think a huge racially charged fight and violence was set to take place and it was to have deadly and disastrous results.
The fight broke out to plan, police were dispatched to plan, but lack of coordination with the participants didn't have the effect it was supposed to have. I suspect an explosion and gunfire were to accompany this "fight" prompting the need to shut down airports and electricity, and when the "explosive event" didn't happen it was too late because the wheels were already in motion. It was too late to stop it and all the players moved forward. If anything, the city officials and police exacerbated the situation because they play acted their role and the bystanders reacted in terror creating chaos.
Our already divided society is being taken over by the alt left socialist society. These (evil, ignorant, fill-in-the-blank) people want another push at claiming our guns in time for election season. The United States is in need of a "Port Arthur" event, and I feel Miami may have been scheduled to be just that, but it failed.
Claims of ETs, portals and beings roaming around are just people trying to find something out of nothing. I'm reminded of the phrase that truth is stranger than fiction, and the truth of a grandiose false flag gone wrong while city officials behaved as if it DID go through is so strange in many minds that looking for beings may feel more plausible. People want an explanation to this over-reacted behavior and people wanting their ten minutes of fame on tiktok are taking it.
If I were S0r0s I would request a refund on this shit show of an endeavor. Although I do think the evil are enjoying the TIME being spent scouring videos and looks for shapes, images or something strange. They love creating scenarios that spark hours of pounding at the keyboard. They love to create distractions with smoke screens and provoking false narratives. The devil isn't called the "great deceiver" for nothing. Even though he may be upon us, the time is limited. He cannot and will not win.
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You're becoming a news source for me, Lynn, as I have tuned out most and looking a the toktok link it seems like they were using holograms of aliens/zombies in a shopping mall to cause panic and they cut off power and the airport to prevent s0r0s & Co from using city electricity to power their projectors. I mean, why would 10 foot tall aliens visit a shopping mall??? The other thing is Miami is one of those woke strongholds where they could control cop response. Maybe all this is just a movie or they're tryng to convince people the hologram monster movie they're staging is something real just so the Archons can suck up all the fear it generates.
I was expecting this to be the typical flash mob looting of stores event that sadly now happens all the time which I think the media and colleges like Harvard should be financially responsible for promoting the entitlement victimhood mindset that makes such behavior seem okay. I mean, how many Prada bags do the poor need? I'm waiting for Kamala Harris to declare "Kwanza" a national holiday, a day where looting is permitted so the "Oppressed" can get their richly deserved "Kwanza" presents for the holidays. If this ever does happen I hope the luxury stores stock up on fake knockoffs to put out that day, or better yet put their own 10 foot hologram monsters in their stores to keep them safe.
Aliens or not, the memes spawned by this incident are hilarious.
If you accidentally see an interdimensional being, don't react. Carry on with your business and go home. 👌🏻
Thanks so much for the comments. I haven't seen too many memes but I can only imagine! I did see the images that people were referring to, and I really think that some is fabricated and some is embellished... They wanted chaos, and they got it one way or another.
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