Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Is Apeel Safe? Bill Gates is Involved So.....

I've noticed a "waxy" feel on some organic produce for quite some time, but didn't know what the name of the substance was or that it was a "thing" mass produced. I just learned this "coating" being put on foods is called Apeel and is funded by B. Gates. What is going on?


The second I hear B. Gates and food supply in the same sentence I know it isn't good. With his push on depopulation and taking shots that have a pathway to quicker depopulation, it doesn't take a psychic to know whatever he is meddling with has nefarious intentions.

The first issue is to address is if organic food is even organic.  Unfortunately the term "organic" has many times become nothing more than a popular packaging term that equates to higher premiums. Most people can visually confirm something is organic when looking at produce such as strawberries as they are slightly smaller in comparison to their GMO counterpart.  They also have a more natural aroma (ever smell the Windex smell on GMO fruit and veggies?). Other foods are more blatant GMO products such as grapes the size of a small prune flavored to be cotton candy or autumn crisp - you won't find that organically in nature. Other foods can be more difficult to distinguish and [some] food manufacturers have learned how to play the game to get the organic stamp of approval. Sadly, the only way to truly know what you are eating is to grow it yourself and pluck it out of your garden.

Now on to this "apeel" stuff. It is basically a coating used on produce to preserve the life of the food by preventing the natural oxidation and aging. In theory it may sound good, but the odds of being able to fully wash this substance off is rare, and to think it causes no harm is [foolish]. Adding anything to food that isn't naturally occurring in our environment is the opposite of organic and adulterates the product.  This looks to be a loophole to blatantly put chemicals on food, but yet still be able to market as "organic" rather than "organic with a chemical coating."

I say do as nature intended. Get the raw produce when you can, and when all else fails turn those brown bananas into banana bread!


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The enlightened one said...

On their website it says "Apeel is composed entirely of purified monoglycerides and diglycerides, edible compounds that can be found in a variety of foods. They are safe to eat as verified by regulatory authorities around the world"

If this really is all it contains, I'd say it's safe to eat. But then again, we all know how much that was in the shots that was never listed as ingredients officially.

Robert Schoen said...

I say get a peeler and take the skin and 'Apeel' off what you can, apples and such, I hear you can soak produce in water with a little white vinegar and it will clean off pesticides and mold that make things go bad so they'll last longer if you dry them properly afterwards. I wonder if they spray that stuff on Taylor prewashed spinach, Should I worry if it doesn't go bad in a few day or week?

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@enlightened one: Very true. I don't trust what they say especially with Gates behind it.

@Robert: Food should go bad... if it doesn't in a reasonable amount of time I'd be skeptical.