You can watch both series on the official website (I highly recommend it).
A. The above comment was made on the blog, and I thought it was worthy of it's own post. I too highly recommend the series and looking at her work. This intentional, not accidental [not] suicide is what happens when people get too close. She must have uncovered something extremely sensitive that was not yet released. I sense it had to do with the human trade and those involved in it [and perhaps the secret "tunnel" in NY- post coming soon].
Please take a moment and say a little prayer for Janet. She was a beautiful soul sent here to shed truth on our society of illusion and manipulations.
Matthew 10:28 "And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell."
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When the world wakes up this should be required watching in every high school and college of how the old world was run by evil puppets doing the will of even more evil people. I'm surprised I've never run across this before. She truly was heroic. I'd only say I think there are a lot of shills out there that are making a living by daily broadcasting "it's just around the corner" But there's good signs everywhere, like the 'disappearance of Pelosi, Fetterman, Katie Hobbs, Sheila Lee Jackson (actress playing her doesn't even look like her) and Lloyd Austin,even if they get replaced by rubber maskers like Biden. Just keep projecting intent for a better world, as it's just a tiny percentage doing the bad everywhere. I'm optimistic.
In Katt Williams 3 hr truth bomb interview, he said something along the lines of:
For the checks and balances of the Universe, it is imperative that liars do not get to write the narrative & that evil-doers not win! (I added the evil-doers part). This resonates with me tremendously! Good always wins!
@Robert: Her work is amazing and how she connects things is mind blowing. We've been played for centuries! We encourage our kids to watch this stuff too. Schools (not as much in the country as the city) are so indoctrined, open-mindedness is a gift to yourself. Take in all information and make your own mind up.
@Truth and light: Agreed. It may just take a little longer to realize, but yes, very true.
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