Click on the pic below to enlarge. You will want to read this! What event is on the horizon? I have some theories, but in no way can I put them on the open forum. If you chose to leave a comment, please use your words wisely - I'm sure this is being flagged!
Q. As I approach this I will need to redirect you to a different platform as Blogger is powered by Google. I will give you a few clues as to what is up, and can go into further details elsewhere. This ties in the "secret" NY tunnel, [not so] mysterious death of Janet Ossebard and a truth bomb on a nefarious group. We live among some sick bastards out there!
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Stop using google then.
@EA RW: You are spot on with this. If I knew then what I knew now I would have approached things differently. Even my intuition couldn't fathom this world. I think it was beyond what I thought was possible so I blocked or wouldn't allow my mind to see it. Now I have a very wide-open look at the possibilities.
Thank you for the reply the best thing we can do is taking our power back and don't let these so called corporations run the show. But with an ill informed public we can only spread the message. It's a game of private VS public. The whole story is too much to type here. It's a strange world...
Stop giving consent. They are making money of your back. You just don't know how.
Even though the censoring is huge on YT there are still channels who deliver a message.
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