Monday, November 27, 2023

YouTube Love Notes - Re-Releasing Banned Content

I haven't posted to YouTube in quite a while due to their censorship practices, and in my inbox I've received the following two emails that further supports my stance (you can click the image to expand for easier reading).  I thought you would enjoy, and in the spirit of my banned videos, I'm re-releasing the corresponding posts.  There must be some truth there or they wouldn't be threatened by the few hundred shadow banned hits these received.  I did break the links within the post to mess up their algorithms, but feel free to copy, paste and do your own research. Enjoy!  

John 8:32 "And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

Mag(net) Meat - What the heck? 4/3/23

Q.  Hi Lynn, could you possibly focus on the following issues and let us know what impressions come up? First, mag(netic) meat, and what is causing it? The graf-ene industry is exploding.  Is there a connection? Could chem-trails be involved? 

Also, people have seen nano-bots, and weird things in products from China, such as cookware, clothing, cosmetics, etc. What is your take on this. As always, many thanks.

A.  When I think about the grapf- market, it is absolutely booming.  They are using this compound in all kinds of electronics, and especially use it while creating various types of nano-tech AI.  The goal is to infuse the AI with the human body to create a hybrid human-AI machine that is fully controllable.  The graf- compound is instrumental in the creation of getting it into the human body and to the right location.

This first started with infusing the compound with the beer bug shot. They weren't sure what they were doing at this point, and it was truly experimental.  The test groups that received higher amounts of the graf- compound found they had magnetic spots on their body.  This is because the graf- compound likes to house itself within protein sources, and if it hits muscle it wants to stay.  In their theory the "perfect" dose would travel to the nervous system and make it's way to the brain which is the ultimate goal.  This is also why the graf- compound can be found on the "nose scrubbing tests."  It creates a delivery system straight to the brain.

Since the graf- compound is most stable in protein, another delivery system is meat. The issue is through digestion much of it gets excreted.  It can cause irritation in the intestines for some people which is another reason IBS and other intestinal issues are on the rise.   

I do get they are releasing this compound infused with the AI bots in the air.  They are doing what they can to get it in our bodies.  The chemicals land on vegetation that animals eat.  This is one way it makes it to the consumable meat, but it excretes in animals they way it does humans.  Intentional injections (and the reason they want animals to get the flu and or beer bug shots now) are the most effective ways to get it to our meat supply.  

This does directly correlates to the misc products from China as well.  People have found this compound in drinking straws and all kinds of things.  

Pay attention and try to do what you can to know how and where your food is sourced.  Give everything a quick rinse and just do what you can.

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Much love, Lynn


Meas(les) Outbreak in Samoa 12/11/19

Q. Hi Lynn! What is going on in Samoa with the mass measles outbreak? 60 children have died from the measles amid an outbreak that seems to have happened all at once. Now they are forcing mandatory "shots". This came right after mainstream media reported that there are more polio cases from the "shots" than wild polio (organically caught). Was this measles outbreak deliberately planned and, if so, how?

From: This shows the timeline of events and the timing is very suspicious.

4/2019: MMR was officially relaunched by the Samoan government in April 2019, after being suspended in 2018 following the deaths of two babies within minutes of receiving MMR.
10/1/19: UNICEF delivered a total of 115,500 doses of measles va*** to SAMOA on October 1st, including syringes and safety boxes, as well as supplies of Vitamin A.
11/28/19: As of November 28, 2019 SAMOA has now confirmed 42 measles-related fatalities. Since the launch of the measles re-vac**** campaign in mid-November, the Samoan Ministry of Health has vac**** more than 50,000 individuals in both Upolu and Savai’i...

A.  As I look at this, I wouldn't say it was deliberate, but rather due to carelessness and being haphazard.  It looks like this MMR shot has been under scrutiny for a long time, and a lot of testing and modifications have been done to it.  Not only can it cause an outbreak, but the heavy metals can create other health problems, namely mental and neurological issues due to the metal collecting in the brain.  I see the metal toxin create short circuits between the nerves just as metal would short out electrical wires. 

Back to the outbreak.  So, in the process of the testing and experimenting, they (the manufacturers) thought that had their "formula" right, but still needed to test it.  It feels like they took advantage of this geographic location, and got them to agree and feel "grateful" for this shot that would be great for their country.  

The formula wasn't as great as they thought, and as I understand the way it works, the combination of foreign elements in the body triggers an immediate immune response.  The immune system is hit is gets very weak.  Then when you have a live virus injected, the body cannot properly fight it off.  People with very strong immune systems may escape and be ok, but anyone that is already weak due to illness or a pre-existing condition is going to have a tough time.  

The result is people that were immunized and have a break out not only experience the effects of the measles, they can spread it.  Also, those that are immunized and do not get the measles also look like they are carriers and can spread it.  

This is now a huge devastation to Samoa and difficult to control.  I see Samoa taking several months (up to six) to get full control of this.  Please send some love and light their way.

Love, light and positive thoughts, Lynn 

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Robert Schoen said...

I sincerely hope the CEO and political censors of Youtube face personal serious fines and jail time for colluding in big pharma bio-terrorism by not allowing accurate information to be posted on what should be a public utility of free speech. I know I am still shadowbanned there for something I posted six years ago where only the person who posted the video is able to see my comment. Imagine how widespread censorship is that even cancels out our vote in elections to get their way.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Robert: Exactly... I wish content providers would all just stop. YT posts so much trash and porn it is unreal.