Sunday, November 26, 2023

Trump Train Passenger - Hopeium Agenda

Q.  I've been a supporter of Trump, but it flashed in my mind that when he started campaigning for the 2016 election, he kept reciting the lyrics of that Tom Jones song, "Take me in Tender Woman" about taking in a snake.  I then thought maybe he did this with the song as part of that karmic rule you have to tell people what you're doing so they have free will to decide whether or not to go along. There have been so many things that in retrospect that seem bogus.  I've always said if  I'm being fooled, I am at least on the right side of things, but Trump and his people should have been smart enough to avoid or at least call out the disasters that went on both before and after he left office that's starting to make me "Distrust the Plan." 

Believe me, I'd love to be wrong on this, but there is such a smell of make believe in everything these days I now suspect Trump may be part of it.  A few points:
  • Why did he let Mike Flynn go so quickly when Pence was conspiring with Ryan to replace him after the "Grab em by the pussy" tape came out?  
  • Why did he nominate Bush loyalists like Barr as AG and Kavanaugh for Supreme Court along with Amy Barrett that some think is Biden's supposedly dead daughter?
  • With the intel of the NSA and being President, why didn't he have the Beer Bug "vacc---" looked at more carefully when it was widely known to be dangerous and order cheaper and safer alternatives like IVR and HCQ to be taken instead? Trump was the main one who brought in the vac--- and still seems proud of it.
  • Why didn't he warn his followers of the J6 false flag being planned at the Capitol and tell his followers not to go there, or even send in emergency special forces to stop the Antifa actors from doing it?
  • Why isn't the Military protecting our borders, which is their main job stopping invasions if Trump is really their CIC? 
  • If Trump truly is the Commander in Chief of the military now, how could they allow this massive mess in Ukraine and now Israel to happen?
  • I figured out with videos a year ago that Jack Smith was a key player in the Ashli Babbitt false flag shooting, sent this to Trump and many congressmen like Jordan but no one is moving on this like they all know and are cool with it.
  • Why didn't Trump stop Internet censorship or get the FCC to go after fake news? 
  • My concern is that are we being played by Hopium. Is Trump for real, and if he is for real, why did all these things he could have controlled happen? This thought about the snake song just came out of the blue and resonates with me. What do you think?
A.  This is a good question with GREAT points!  I wanted to take time to address this as I have had similar thoughts for a long time now.  I too have been a passenger on the T Train, but I've also had some doubts.

When the election farce occurred many kept thinking he was in charge, or there was a secret military element that he was controlling.  Alternative media kept people hoping and looking forward to the day that T would emerge on his white horse and save the day.  Hopeium was at an all time high and people were just waiting for some kind of an announcement.

To address another point, yes, the event in Jan was a fabricated mess.  The alt left needed some assurance that Bidet would get confirmed and the conservatives would be afraid to do anything about it.  As seen on the footage conservatives and actors paid to be conservatives were arrested.  I sense T knew it was going to go down (and Pence too) and he didn't do anything to stop it.  His words to the people were positive, but he did not say DO NOT COME DOWN HERE IT IS A TRAP.  Seems odd doesn't it?

Event after event played more and more into the hopeium.  Even with everything that was happening, and the gross injustice, people thought T surely had a plan to come in, clean house, take over and get the country back on track.  We had hope in the plan, and waited, and waited, and waited and to those that don't realize this hopeium was the plan- they are still waiting.

I've always said that all political figures are two sides of the same coin.  I posted a meme last week that sums it quite well.  You can have two players playing chess.  The black and white pieces are enemies, but the players are often friends.  I saw that as a snapshot of how politics work.  The characters we see are enemies, but behind closed doors are they friends or their connections are friends.  Reminds me of WWF characters of which T was also a part of.  The façade of the characters are enemies for the benefit of the audience, but at the end of the day Hulk Hogan might be having a drink with the Undertaker or Jesse Ventura (yes, I was a fan back in the day).  We are never shown the whole person, just what media wants us to see to keep us emotionally engaged.

T is a brilliant businessman.  He works hard and does have an ego that won't allow him to fail, but is it plausible that he is to some degree a very charismatic character put in place for the intent to engage and pacify conservatives with hopeium while the alt left go completely insane?  He has been engaging before as a WWF actor and reality tv star. Is it plausible that he was in on the letter -Q- movement as he seemed to know what little things to do (like the white rabbit at Easter) to keep people constantly going and looking for clues?  The answer to these questions are YES.  Yes, this is all plausible and probable.

What better distraction and tool of division than to feed the crazies liberal agenda and feed the conservatives hopeium.  How many people were being a keyboard warrior or up all night looking for gematria numbers instead of being physically present?  Distracted people are too into what they are doing to worry about what is REALLY happening in the world.  It was a brilliant plan and they know without hopeium people may act and without hopeium people may have revolted.  They have to keep people thinking that there is a dangling carrot of hope of someone coming in to do the right thing.

Time will tell, but I have ALWAYS said you are the only person that can save you.  EVEN if he is here to make change, he is only one man.  As a wise old Yoda said, "Do or do not, there is no try."  We've seen a lot of trying, but not too much doing with regard to the cleaning up of the swamp. Time will tell... 


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God Wins said...

At this point I've learned to not trust any public figures. I will say though,for what Trump has done to lock up pea-dough-files and for what he has done to shine a light on human trafficking, especially the child sex trade, I am forever thankful. I don't think any other leader did as much as he did & he barely received any media coverage for it.

This whole world is an illusion. Trust in God!🙏

The enlightened one said...

I have a feeling what we're witnessing now is just the calm before the storm. I think the whitehats are awaiting further awakening and raising of the vibrations of the people. Remember people like Trump are just the mechanism to achieve change, but this mechanism must be powered by the soul or heart of each individual in order to effect change. The source to change lies within us. If we raise our own frequency we will attract a more positive reality. Simple as that. We can take physical action but we should always first make sure that our own vibration is in alignment with that which we seek to achieve.

Robert Schoen said...

I definitely can relate to the question and I thank you Lynn for giving such a thoughtful answer. I agree with @God Wins on the good things that Trump-et brought to the fore and how he inspired people all over the world to want to change things for the better. I hope we're not watching Championship Wrestling when it comes to him, but I have to confess the last three and a half years has been a vacation for me from news and the crap they put on tv that I don't care anything about because I know in my gut it's all fake told by the unreliable. I'm also saddened by how many brainwashed people are out there, but that's their problem unless you have to live or work with them,

I truly resent this undeclared war on Americans by our own government. What I can say is "Get on with your life, take a "I'll believe it when I see it attitude," project your desire for a better world every day and live your life like laying the bricks for that better world. Personally, I want to block myself from going to sites that say their "pro-Trump" then mostly report on the garbage spewed by the evil or brainwashed. I also don't want to listen to those who've made a career out of being non-legacy news reporters who keep saying bombshell, just around the corner, we're in the final stage, ect. Fill your mind with important things that feed your soul and don't be distracted from your spirituality.

The ultimate irony would be if evil people could unite the world instead of dividing it. Maybe we could all agree that Amber Heard, Megan Markle and Brittany's dad are pieces of shit. A new Peace plan! Maybe that's Biden's strategy.

Follow your bliss, concentrate on the things you love most and don't let them distract you from your own life goals.

Anon said...

I don't think anyone is 100% trustable, I see the whole thing as a massive chess game, the current Bidet regime has its tentacles everywhere, not easy to defeat and above all, who can we trust? No one! All the tree letter agencies are corrupted to the core. One man alone can't do all when all the forces and teh system are against you/

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

Thanks for the comments. I agree with points everyone made. I do see that T try to block some of the pe-do- activity, and am thankful for that. I also see that we need to rely more on ourselves. The deep and dark state runs deep and very dark. I too hope for change, and I know it takes time. I just think he could have had some hail Mary activity when he was in his final days. I would have loved to see him press charges on Hi-ll-ary for example. At this point I say God is the safe choice of who and what to believe in. He cannot be manipulated, but things out there will try to manipulate your view of Him.

galacticwarrior said...

The players maybe friends, but the ultimate player is the God who plays them through their minds....somethings have to be played out for the human collective

God Wins said...

Sorry for my double post earlier.
Great to read all the response. Sadly, I don't know that I believe in white hats anymore.

I definitely believe in God and that God Wins. I agree with Robert. Living my life, ignoring all that is being cast upon us (broadcasting), having faith and hope and letting my love and humanity shine in all ways: small and big.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@galacticwarrior: It's either God or the devil, but I fear the later.

@God Winds: Faith is what will get you through..

@mr 2012: I agree..