Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Is-real Conflict

Q.  What is really going on with the Is-real conflict?  Is this justified or just more propaganda.  Should we really be concerned?

A.  It is summed up in one word, propaganda.  There has always been an allegiance to Is-real, mostly because of who lives there and their religious connections.  These people, when you go back far enough, rule many sectors of the world and have control and influence.  They have been trying to take over in subtle ways and not they are working to dismantle and destabilize any country with strength (Sor-os is the biggest ringleader).

Ephesians 6:11  Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.

Every since the world war this region has had some sort of protection.  Ironically, those that write the history books made sure their version of "his-story" was documented to ensure their protection.  Those that opposed in any way would meet their demise (ask Adolf when he banned usury).  If people are genuine you don't need to ban certain words or phrases.  If you say anything cross to someone with that country's religion in their roots, then you are called an "anti-sem--."  Isn't it interesting that they can call white people racist or any other name, even physically act out toward them because of some past grievance that happened decades ago, but you can't dare say or question anything these people have done so much to destroy current culture (usher in Bill Gates and his associates)?  

It's best to disengage with any energy or emotion tied to this conflict.  It is all based on demonic energy and couldn't be further from our God creator.  These people that think they are chosen really are chosen, but they were chosen by the devil.  The desire for greed, money and power led the 13 evil families down this path and they all have roots attached to this area of the world.  AND most evil that happens in the world can be traced back to those 13 families - do your research.

We've been lied to since the beginning.  Nothing of our current time based on truth.  We are a world of power and influence.  It is more important than ever to listen to your inner God.

1 John 5:19 We know that we are of God, and the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one.


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Robert Schoen said...

I knew this "conflict" to get massive foreign aid and sympathy was a fake event when the first images of it to emerge were of a cute girl in bikini being shot at some outdoor concert, almost like advertising to get your attention. It's also funny how the Soros funded woke are the ones screaming the loudest against Is real, to renew their "Victimhood" status, like Oprah crying racism when a store clerk suggested instead of getting a $30,000 purse she buy a slightly cheaper one by the same company. Put your mind on things that matter.

Robert Schoen said...

A beautiful alternative to contemplate:

The enlightened one said...

Greta Thunberg has taken a stance against Israel in this matter. For once, she is now protesting against something real, instead of the fictitious global warming.

Lynn, are you trying to say the 13 families were all jews? Many of the ashkenazi Jews are not from Israel, but from the area around eastern Ukraine. Are you saying the original Jews from Israel are bad as well?

Cathari said...


Well said.
Thank you for being strong enough to say what needs to be stated.

margaret m martin said...

Even nut yahoo said it was another 9/11 right to our naive faces

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

Thanks so much for all the comments.

@enlightened one: I'm not saying all J's are bad, but most evil people are J's and know exactly what they are doing. The 13 evil families have connections, dirty deals or relatives that stem back to the J faith. They've wanted to take over for centuries and that is why they dominate most every sector of health, education, medicine and law.