Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Horror Movies and the Spirit

Q. I've always been fascinated with horror movies as a child, but there is one thing I've always been puzzled about.  The forces of Evil always have the upper hand over their victims. Isn't the point of these movies to display good triumphing over Evil?  It's either some ominous cliffhanger or all the good characters perish.

Secondly, does icky negative energy attach itself to the audience who sees these movies? 

A.  I actually thought a lot about this over the Halloween season.  As a lover of horror movies, I've been re-evaluating them and how they impact people in general. 

I see them starting under the guise of entertainment.  They drew people with the gore because it was something different than everyday life.  You could experience fear safely in the comfort of your home or theater while feeling the jump scares and emotional response.  The reaction to fear, even in controlled situations results in a "flight or fight" response.  Surprise and excitement also trigger those reactions, so it is normal for the brain to like feeling fear.  Think in terms of a roller coaster- you can be excited and scared at the same time.  The two work together, and horror movies trigger this emotion too.

The human psyche has been studied forever to gain both understanding and a way to control through that understanding.  Knowing that fear can spark chemical responses that people like, the Powers That Were realized they could use that to their advantage.  Introducing horror and gore reprograms our minds and desensitizes us to the evils out there.  It creates an awareness which allows the gore to take mind space and thought.  Even though we need to be aware of immediate danger and alert to what is happening in our current surroundings, we should consume and focus on more positive things.  The evil want our minds full of negative ideas, concepts, actions and even images.  When you focus on the negative, you take mind space away from the positive.

Some movies, depending on who created them and their intent, can absolutely leave an energetic residue on the observer.  If you've ever watched a movie and found yourself thinking on it or experience the flashback images you witnessed, the movie left an energetic imprint.  Most times we shed them with time, but some can have lasting effects.  The dark forces want you living in a dark world.

2 Corinthians 10:4-5 For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ,


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Robert Schoen said...

There's a big difference between the Horror films of old that focused more on the implied, metaphysical and psychological themes than the more Satanic/Slasher ones they make today that are really fear porn for their graphic nature. A lot of times I might try watching a newer horror movie only to turn it off because of the bad vibes from it which reflects the bad intent and poor character of its makers.

The genre horror allows for certain themes to be explored, like the original "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" which I feel predicted what happened over the last few decades where peoples' minds were taken over by brainwashing to hate others over their politics. Kubrick's 'The Shining', John Carpenter's 'The Thing' are great works of art. I liked "The Rite" which was about exorcism as a spiritual movie, but there's a lot of bad exorcist movies out there that are strictly triggering and exploitative. Maybe the new "Barbie" is the worst horror movie of them all, but I'll never see it. Use your discretion.

margaret m martin said...

Lots of evil in torture porn like reservoir dogs that's as bad as some horror flicks...the walking dead had R rated content that adults allowed their kids to watch much to the satisfaction of the evil ones.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Robert: I agree. I find myself feeling the same way.

@Margaret: I know...

The enlightened one said...

I love horror movies too! Especially old British Hammer films with the horror icon Christopher Lee and Peter Cushing. I think the fascination with horror lies in the fact that we have a need to put images to and make visible the evils we can perceive subtly in the world, but which are not readily visible or tangible.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@enlightened one: I think you are on point with this.

MsPerezz14 said...

I hate it, I’ve never liked it as a kid. I would cover my eyes and ears. I hated anything with death…or evil. Now as an :’( adult. I get anxiety lol. I never get anxiety with ANYTHING besides horror film, I will watch it once in a while but I have to look away on some parts. It’s the music and vibrations that get to me.