Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Halloween Story - GRAPHIC

This is interesting, but graphic.  If you have a weak stomach, you might want to sit this one out... 

Q.  Hi Lynn! Would you like to do a reading for Halloween on the self-proclaimed German werewolf Peter Stubbe, also known as Peter Stumpp? He was born around 1530 in Epprath, Germany, near Bedburg. The original German documents detailing his life have been lost to time, but his whereabouts are described in a contemporary English pamphlet of which two copies have survived. This source was rediscovered in 1920 by occultist Montague Summers, and cited in his book "The Werewolf". It can be read online here: https://en.m.wikisource.org/wiki/The_Damnable_Life_and_Death_of_One_Stubbe_Peeter,_a_Most_Wicked_Sorcerer. Sources say he lived as a widower with a younger son, and an adult daughter called Beele with whom he had an incestuous relationship and a child.  

When mutilated cattle started appearing in the surroundings of Bedburg, suspicions were growing that Peter Stubbe was responsible. Legs and arms of people were found strown about in the fields around Bedburg, and it got two the point that people avoided travelling to this part of Germany without thorough safety measures.

Sources say he was arrested after returning to his human form in front of a party of men sent out to chase down the wolf.

Under torture he admitted to having practiced black magic since the age of 12. A pact with the Devil had garnered him a belt made from wolf's skin, that allowed him to transform into a werewolf as soon as he put it on. He also confessed to having killed and eaten 14 children, one of which was his own son, and two pregnant women whose fetuses he ripped out of their womb and ate.

Supposedly he also had a concubine in the form of a female spirit sent to him by the Devil to satisfy his sexual desires.

On October 28, 1589 he was found guilty of rape, incest, cannibalism, sorcery and at least 16 murders committed as a werewolf in the course of 25 years. On October 31 he was executed by breaking at the wheel. This started with flesh being torn from his body with red hot tongs and was followed by dismemberment, decapitation and burning on a pyre. The whole procedure was witnessed by his own daughter before she too was executed, together with Stumpp's mistress Katherine Trompin.

I hope you can find some answers as to how many of the accusations are actually true, and which ones are false. And to the degree that some of them are true, it would be interesting to uncover what led him down that path.

A.  There are people who sometimes intentionally, and sometimes unintentionally bind themselves with the devil.  I see that Peter dabbled with black magic and got involved in things he didn't fully understand when he opened himself up for a spiritual attack.  In order to get more and more powerful he aligned with evil.  He thought he knew what he was doing and could have full control of his life and decisions.  Little did he know the devil would always be a part of him and control his every move through thought and compulsions (and the occasional appearance).  Once you agree to be part of the occult, it is hard to break free, and Peter was very high within the coven.  He aligned with evil, and he too became evil.

People may not realize, but there are occult groups all over the world that practice Satanism.  They do sacrifices (life and blood).  Many rituals involve all forms of sex which is sometimes willing, but most times forced and horrific for the other person being "sacrificed."  The innocent and pure are the most sought after and forced participants.  That is also why they seek out our youth.  Satan hates God's children and is trying to destroy them through corrupting adults that can overpower and consume them. 

Satan will show in human form for many of these ceremonies and hides his evil (when pleased with a sacrifice) with charisma.  Make no mistake, when displeased he can make your insides feel like they are being ripped out and rules his followers with fear.

This dark path is filled with hate, anger, fear and evil.  This isn't something you want for a wholesome life.  There is no power or desire worth carrying that type of darkness.  Go with God and you will get everything you need and so much more. 

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Ephesians 6:12


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Robert Schoen said...

This legend would make a far more interesting werewolf movie than those that make the human who turns into a wolf a sympathetic victim, because this Peter's transformations were a deliberate free will choice to do evil every time by putting on a belt to become a monster. I think we all get that the world today is ruled by a Satanic cult, but I think the person who raised this wanted to know if this historic figure actually was able to transform into a werewolf or if he just committed all these atrocities in human form.

Which brings up another Halloween thought, why do we like horror movies? (I plead guilty) Other than religious movies, they are typically the only genre that delves into the metaphysical aspects of life, but connected to Lynn's previous post on demonic entities that invade humans, Carlos Castaneda wrote about a wise Indian shaman who said every man has a dark aspect of his psyche that follows him around like a shadow. The cliche' of someone having an Angel on one shoulder and the Devil on the other is a perfect embodiment of this concept. Maybe it's the Yin Yang energy of the world in all of us where we have to choose the balance, and horror movies are a reminder of that potential.

But really Lynn, did Peter Stubbe in the 1550's really transform into a werewolf or was he just a plain human psycho? BTW, I love that Sixteenth Century woodcut engraving!

Pearlite said...

Yes but what about the detail of the things that happened. You told us about evil and how it works and how he got overtaken by it but nothing else. Did he really eat people, was he really executed on the wheel, did he do terrible things to his own son and daughter. Please don't leave this half answered. Many blog posts are becoming an opening story that leads to bible teachings and while I get this, the articles are not finished from a psychic's perspective. In fact the more I read the less the psychic.

margaret m martin said...

I never knew this creepy story before 👻 we have modern day equivalent sorts of people practically everywhere now in all walks of life hidden in every professional position.Be cautious

Kyle said...

Lynn, from your past readings, most low-vibe energies don't even want to be here or just prefer to be left alone. You would describe them as low-vibrational entities rather than Evil. So, were the summoned entities actually in alignment with Peter's harmful behaviour or perhaps there were some reluctance or forcefulness to it.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Robert: I think we are conditioned to like horror movies (I too am guilty) because they want us to have evil in our minds. They want it to be somewhere in our subconscious. I do this this man transformed, and people don't realize the power of the Devil. The human transformation is scary and real.

@Pearlite: Yes, I think the whole story is true. I think my focus was whether it was even possible for a man to become such a creature and if the Devil could actually overtake him to convince him of such things. After I realize the truth to the first aspect, I knew that this whole legend was in reality a truth.

margaret: You are so right. The devil is everywhere speaking into people's minds. We have to fight it off.

@Kyle: The devil wants to consume all God's creatures. Yes, low vibe doesn't want to associate with high vibe, but in this case the devil wants an army to take over all things holy (and the attack in on children). I see truth to this. Make no mistake- the devil is here and wants to take us over.