Monday, October 30, 2023

Halloween Eve - Deliverance and Demon Trickery

This is a POWERFUL true story.  Today is Halloween Eve which is the most dark and ritualistic time of year.  The devil is trying to create an army of evil and anyone following the path of God is going to be under attack. Grab some coffee... Here goes with a little backstory, but wait for it...

As I have awakened and fully submitted to God (oddly, I was still somewhat guarded and Jason Aldean's story is what inspired me fully relinquish) a lot of things have happened and opened up for me.  I feel more positive, less anxious and have a greater ability to "go with the flow." It isn't a perfect science, but even reciting something as simple as "fear not," which is stated over and over within the bible, can be calming in a stressful situation.  The lord wants to carry the burden, you just have to pray and ask.  

Isiah 41:10 Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.’

Psalm 55:22 Cast thy burden upon the LORD, and he shall sustain thee: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved.

Everyone, unless you have gone through a deliverance and continually pray, has some kind of attachment.  Some are much more evil than others.   Most everyone has experienced abandonment, abuse,  emotional devastation, challenging relationships, etc that leave us vulnerable and open to a spiritual attack (and it happens!).  Evidence of this can be as simple as how you feel.  God is about love, honor, respect and feelings of good mental balance.  Anything other than this is the devil whispering in your ear.  If you feel sad, depressed, anxious, have an irrational phobia, lack self-love, are angry and can't shake the feeling, it is the devil trying to corrupt you. Misery loves company and there are a lot of miserable people out there.  If you don't believe me, watch the alt left talk for ten minutes- you can feel it and even see it in their eyes.  This is the devil at work.

I've also understood demons will try to hide and show themselves during trigger points.  Maybe you see something on tv, have had too many drinks (or other substance), witness something in public, overheard something, smell something, hear a song etc and your mood shifts- that is your trigger that brings out YOUR demon.  The devil doesn't want you happy and has MASTERED emotions.  Remember this, the devil will try to rule through your emotions and God will speak to you through your heart/love

I used to think that merely burning sage and having a mantra is all you need.  I now realize with lower level demons and random spirits that can work, but if you have a nefarious or evil demonic attachment the only thing that will work is calling upon God, rebuking the demon and binding it with the love of Jesus Christ.

I've been on a path of learning about deliverance, how to do it and how to help others release their inner demon.  As I said, most everyone carries at least one demon, and the phrase "face your demons" comes from a place of truth.  I want to rid myself and help others be free and I know the path to do so is through God.  

I started researching bibles versus and reading more and more in the bible to better prepare myself for the day I could force anything dark out of me, and that is when it happened..  

About a week ago I was sound asleep.   I woke abruptly for no apparent reason.  As I opened my eyes to look around for a moment, and I saw a human looking figure come OUT of my husband and float to the ceiling.  The bottom half looked angelic with a white flowing gown, more like a skirt.  The top half looked like a charred skeleton with orange glowing eyes.  In that moment I knew I was encountering my husband's demon.  Even though unprepared and surprised at what I was witnessing, I felt calm.  I INSTINCTIVELY said "I rebuke you in the name of Jesus Christ.  Leave this place at once."  It looked at me somewhat and seemed somewhat surprised at my calmness before it floated off.  I admit after that encounter, I repeated myself about 30 more times for good measure.  I went back to sleep, but never did forget that image.  I have not seen or felt the presence of it being around, and the house has felt calm.

Then, two days ago I was deep in a lucid dream doing a deliverance on myself.  I was fully aware of what was happening. As a demon detached from me it looked me in the eye and said "You are not pure enough to do a deliverance."  I jolted at this response, and it woke me up.  As I thought on this, I became really unnerved and upset.  As I discussed the experience with my husband, I realized something important.  No one is without sin as we are all human.  When we do a deliverance we are not alone- we do it with God on our side.  The demons want you to think you are alone and separate from God, but we are WITH God.  A better response would have been to say "I know I am unpure.  Jesus died for our sins.  I have God on my side. I rebuke and bind you in the name of Jesus Christ."  

Do not let them trick you into thinking they are more powerful because with God on your side, they CANNOT win.  I'm very anxious to encounter this internal demon because it will stand no chance now.

Love to you all!  Blessings, Lynn 

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Robert Schoen said...

What an event, seeing an angel drag a demon out of your sleeping husband and then to be literally confronted by your own demon, which I'm sure you've already evicted! I've come to think of demon attachments as being like email spam, everyone has them. But I am also sure most who come to Lynn's blog are inherently spiritual which doesn't make you immune but does put you in the position to help yourselves and others get rid of them. Obviously those addicted to alcohol or drugs open themselves up to such attacks I think it comes as second nature to many, if not most, to always hold God in your heart automatically like breathing and wish there could be a worldwide group meditation to drive out these demons from everyone. Dressing yourself in the armor of God is a powerful metaphor.

RealCousinIT said...

Wow Lynn that is a very unnerving experience, don’t know many could have endured those encounters. I pray every nite the same prayer I’ve said since I was little, hoping it will protect me while I sleep. Now I have a better understanding of how to protect myself from negative entities and others who carry around their own demonic presence.

margaret m martin said...

And also they will despise us no matter where we are coming from be it holy or not.its all about being Gods creations which they resent.They don't want us to feel forgiven over mistakes which they more than likely had a hand in. 😇

Serene said...

Thank you Lynn for sharing this experience I will incorporate this into my daily armor practice. Much appreciated. Big Hugs!!!

Kyle said...

Lynn, very interesting encounter. How strange for an entity to have an angelic appearance on its lower half. Is this creature malevolent or not? Is it perhaps a neutral entity that is around to guide or protect? How has this energy impacted your routine during the day?

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

Hi everyone! Thanks so much for the comments. It definitely left and impression on me. I don't feel scared or worried, but more like on a quest to learn more. I read a book called He Came to Set the Captives Free and it left an impression. I got goosebumps several times, but also made me think on how to rid myself of my own personal demons. This world is being taken over, and I don't want to see anyone I love go down with it.

The enlightened one said...

Very interesting experiences! Thanks for sharing. I am sure most people are affected by negative entities. I also think there are reptilian beings trying to influence people from other dimensions. Not necessarily by possession, but through etheric implants. If we want to see change globally on Earth, I think each and everyone of us must begin by changing ourselves on a spiritual/ Astral level. That requires som cleansing.

I think your experiences also show that while there are Christians who are not psychic, and psychics who denounce Christianity (and those two approaches may take you a bit but not the whole way).But when you combine the assistance of God with psychic ability, that's when true magic starts to happen.

Wishing you good luck on your continued journey of cleansing and deliverance!

b87g87haofmg68g87g87g87 said...

Stick more to God in the dark times. We need to stay optimistic, have positive view about life. Care more for each other.

I hope that everything will be ok there. Stay safe. And remember to pray often for protection.

Pearlite said...
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Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@enlightened one: Thank you. It is def a process and lots of soul searching along the way.

@b87g: Thanks and I agree!

Carlene said...

What story did Jason Aldean tell? I ask because he was part of the Harvest 91 festival in October some years back.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Carlene: He shared that he was going down the wrong path. He was doing things he shouldn't and life was really rough. It was one bad decision after another. One day he was fed up with it and basically prayed. He said he gave himself to God. Within one week everything changed and that is when he had his viral song... and that is why is would take big money for a record deal.

Carlene said...

Thanks for the reply-I did not see that interview when I did a quick search. I will find it and check it out. Peace.