Wednesday, August 16, 2023


Q.  Hi Lynn, you may be surprised to know that your readings about Malaysian Airlines 370 are picking up some steam because videos recently resurfaced that appear to show the plane being surrounded by UFOs and then “teleported” away for lack of a better word. There is doubt about the authenticity of the videos but they seem to line up with your original reading. I would love to see if you can tune in to this again. Are the videos real? Is there any hope of getting answers soon? Are the passengers still alive?

A.  After nearly nine years this story is making headlines in alternative outlets again.  Footage has been found that supports the same theory I had that ETs abducted or redirected this plane into an alternate dimension (original post and Reddit footage below).  This was a popular post then, and I've had a lot of requests to have another look at it again.  Here goes...

With Project Bluebeam on the horizon and a fake alien invasion in our midst, we have to really look at this stuff carefully.  Having said that, I do sense that the recent video releases are true. I think governments have known about this and didn't know how to explain it.  They weren't ready for this kind of "information" to reach the public eye.  BUT (yes, there is a but) because they are going to set the stage for an invasion, NOW is the right time to let this out (kind of like the Bin Ladin death announcement, take an event from the past to support current propaganda- I digress).  It supports the narrative, so it is now safe to put out there.  They want people to question it!  They want people to fear it (the devil and the evil of the world love fear)!  

I don't see real answers emerging.  The government already knows it happened, but has never determined why.  They can't explain it (in truth) even if they had to, but it sure makes good video evidence for a "future event." They will intentionally put people in rabbit holes to deflect from other events in the world.   

As far as this plane and the passengers, I can't really see anything with the plane.  I'm picking up that it has been dismantled and used for other things. I don't think there is a MH370 left because it's been parted out.

After all this time I still get the show Lost references.  I truly think there was a group that survived this, assimilated with local tribes and made a home.  There are children of that social construct being born that only know that life.  The survival instinct and adaptability of these people are truly amazing. (It shows just how strong humans can be.)

I then try to focus on How to merge these two dimensions? or Is it even possible?  I think some kind of matrix glitch would have to happen.  It would take something that isn't man-made. It looks as though these crafts enabled a portal to open and this plane was in the right place at exactly the right time for it to occur. 

I get stuff like this happens all the time, but not to the magnitude of the MH370.  Beings are always traversing through portals.  This just happens to be one of the bigger instances and quite possibly a "once in a lifetime" event.

I appreciate all the love and support!  Blessings, Lynn 

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Robert Schoen said...

Mind boggling that the passengers resettled into a completely different world and culture.Makes me think of the Philadelphia Experiment and Al Bielik.

Neceros said...

Thanks for this post!

It seems the event is truly over. Just this recording making waves.

webv2 said...

Thank you for your effort, it took me 2hs to read your old post with and it was interesting.
Currently as you may know, there are a lot of noise and controvercies regarding reddit videos both, from sattelite view and from drone. What's your opinion on that? Have you had a feeling that those videos are made-up or actually true?

Kind regards.

WigglesWorth said...

Hi Lynn,
Thank you so much for this update! Your original post is amazing, I am baffled by your gift.

Can you please share more about the fake alien invasion you talk about here? What does this mean and what should we expect?
Thank you!!

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

Thanks so much for the comments. I do plan to have a deeper look at the "fake invasion." Ronald Reagan said it right! i've touched on this before, but will do some more work on it.

A330F said...

Amazing content this and the previous one !!!

Thanks !!

Guedes de Miranda said...

Thanks Lynn great reading!What happened to the plane? At the time ppl said that this plane got involved in the MH17 "accident" over Ukraine just 4 months later (please note that almost a decade later the company did not get involved in any other accident, thanks good

webv2 said...

In a previous old post from 2014 she said that this was a different plane.

webv2 said...

Apparently both public videos are found to be fake because the "portal" effect is an 90's VFX effect. Interesting how one person found that particular effect among millions.

MJ said...

Then what about this past reading where the planes were swapped?