Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Timeline Split - Lend a Hand or Stay Out of the Way?

Q.  Please tell us more on the Timeline split.  Is it that we actually stop seeing the people who are on the different timeline from ours..?

I read this reading before going to bed last night, and I don't know if it's what triggered a dream I got.

In the dream, I was in a place I recognized, then suddenly something happened in the skies.  Space ships/lights came into visibility forming patterns.  It's like all his was just a prelude to what was to come, because I suddenly found myself in a whole new environment (earthly) and everything filled and permeating with light. So, here's to hoping all of us end up in the positive timeline

Regarding the two timelines... is our job to get our hands dirty and join the fight at the 3D level? Or is it to stay high vibe and above the chaos, focusing only on bringing our future Earth into being in a pure state?

I have heard some say that close contact with the 3D chaos will suck us down with the sinking ship, but another train of thought is that we're here to join in and lead and inspire the people who have only just woken up to the truth and are reacting in a chaotic way. Do we wade into the mud or look down from the hilltop, so to speak? I would be interested in thoughts.

A.  When I think on this, the image I see is more of a tag and run approach.  We chose to be in this timeline, experience what it has to offer, learn and grow.  In the process many of us have woke up.  The more absurd this world becomes, the more and more it forces a stir with the inner God and allows even more people to awaken.  This process of awakening will continue to progress until there is a distinction between those that are rooted in the 3D and those that are ready for something more.  It truly is a division between elevating the free thinkers, and anchoring those that are stuck in more of an N-P-Character type of existence. 

The free thinkers look to advance IF they do not allow the "Characters" to draw them in.  I see these "Characters" as just that- a role being played to keep people entrenched in this 3D world by keeping vibrations low. The free thinkers are here for the purpose of inserting themselves when opportunities arise, and being self-aware enough to disengage from a situation when it isn't serving in the higher good.  It isn't "hands off" but more of a tag and run when you need to. (i.e Insert yourself when it's appropriate in the highest good, and disassociate when need to preserve your own vibrational status).

Don't allow yourself to get sucked up in the drama and negativity.  Stay informed and see it for what it is.  Disconnect from negativity and negative outlets.  They are part of the game of keeping you trapped.

I get as the new timeline shifts you will have less and less encounters with negative sources.  Like attracts like, and you will be divinely guided to whatever that may be, directing you organically toward a positive timeline. Negative 3D forces may be out there, but you will be insulated from them.  Eventually, when you transition from this life, you will incarnate into a higher vibrational existence and I relate it to where Bigfoot resides with the ability to traverse or experience things interdimensionally.

Always remember that we really are within a matrix.  Keep that perspective and avoid the N-P-Characters sent here and created to lock you in.

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light, Lynn 

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margaret m martin said...

Thank you for this guidance,Lynn

Anon said...

I don't know Lynn, right now I feel very alone, not finding my peers

Truth & light said...

@ Anon - Ive been feeling alone for quite a while. Find it hard to connect

Patrick said...

Thank you Lynn !.
What a wonderful and uplifting post.
Bless you...🥰..

The enlightened one said...

Considering that Robert F Kennedy is now running for president. I think it's safe to say we're currently on one of the more positive timelines. (Leaving aside the the covidiot spectacle). Even with that in mind, it could have been much worse and it's currently put "on hold" thanks to massive protests.

Robert Schoen said...

In the big picture scheme of things, this is a remarkable and critical time to be living in, to see the world wake up to all the lies that have created wars, human slavery, a controlling propaganda media and social engineering designed to keep us stupid and controllable. It's important to stay positive because they want you to feel depressed and hopeless. That's THEIR agenda: fear and division so we don't work together. Be nice to everyone, Distrust all media and just do the things, and think things that feed your soul.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@margaret: You are most welcome!

@Anon: Have faith... it will happen. You will be guided if you are on the right path for yourself..

@Truth and Light: I think it will happen sooner rather than later. Just try to do what feels right to you and eventually you will find your "tribe" so to speak.

@@Patrick: You are most welcome! Bless you too!

@enlightened one: I totally agree with you1 I think it could be worse...

@robert: Very well said!

Kalamota Kook said...

Oh wow I accidentally ordered a reading, lol! This is so incredibly helpful - and hopeful! Much clarity about the road ahead and what to actually do. Wonderful, thank you so much!

As an offering, here is a link to one of my favourite youtubers, and an episode about the CIA research into binaural meditation and its ability to tap into the "Absolute". Lynne already does this of course, but it's a concentrated bundle of info for anyone passing. There's a lengthy livestream on the topic too, with further discussion, and a talking fish.

The description includes links to the full declassified report and where / how to do it. I've been doing this sort of meditation for years and it's helped me navigate the recent years, though I've not been dedicated enough to go all the way. Youtube's full of this sort of frequency music. I just had one point of confusion which Lynne has just cleared up. Onward!


Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Kalamota Kook: You are most welcome and thanks for sharing!

Kalamota Kook said...

I forgot, I also have a message for The Enlightened One. I don't know if you follow Clif High, but his latest audios on his substack cover the coming months and how he sees things developing. He sees the migrant issue in Sweden finally boiling over, and the native population start fighting back. It's going to get ugly, but then it's going to get ugly everywhere. I think once one country starts pushing back, others will follow.