Wednesday, May 10, 2023

French Revolution or GLOBAL Revolution

Q. Is there a global 'French Revolution' in the near future?  

A.  I do see we are on the brink of some change.  There is a line in the sand, and many people feel it has already been crossed, and those that are tolerant are now also being provoked.  There will always be a few that are extreme followers that need to believe what they are told.  For these few it is too hard to face the consequence of altering their paradigm.  If you accept that our world is a lie, then you have to take action even if it is just in your mind.  The good news is the inner God within each of us knows the truth and will grow tired of this.

I get it may take a few more years before people come together.  It takes time for an organized group to grow.  It will happen, and the only way to evoke real change is to do something on a massive scale.

I see the timeline going in two drastic directions, and perhaps there is even a timeline split.  One direction leaves the world turning into the Capital on the Hunger Games, and the other is a huge reset to a more normalized society.  Let's pray we end up on the later!

Love and light, Lynn 

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Robert Schoen said...

It would be funny if that beer can was the tipping point that made Americans as angry as the French are with Macron. As a society we need to get away from brainwashing screens that depress and cause us to fear & get more in touch with real life and people. We can't control the world, only effect for the better that little part that's directly around us. It's hard waiting for others to wake up to the manipulation and lies but I still keep broadcasting my intent for a better world.

Guedes de Miranda said...

Thanks for this wonderfull reading! On another topic, is there a simple & hands-on solution to the self-ignition problem of electric automobiles? Could you eventually do a reading on this subject and if possible tell us the solution? (Last year a complete car carrier ship sunk in the Atlantic ocean next to the Açores Islands because of this problem (This case involved cars from VW but other car assemblers also do face this problem.... ) Thank you!

Guedes de Miranda said...

PS In this video (images from CCTV) from a subterranean skyscraper garage one can see the fire starting in an EV at about 1:00 minute from start, half a minute later the car catches fire and explodes ( ). I´m sure Twitter owner Elon Musk would be eager to know more about this problem too even more if there´s an easy way to prevent it. Thanks!

Patrick said...
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Patrick said...

Pray tell more on the Timeline split Lynn..🤗
Is it that we actually stop seeing the people who are on the different timeline from ours..?
I read this reading before going to bed last night,, and I don't know if it's what triggered the dream I got...for one like myself who doesn't get much in form of dreams or psychic was quite interesting.
In the dream, I was in a place I recognized, then suddenly something happened in the skies, space ships/lights coming into visibility, forming patterns ..there was no fear but wonder and I was showing what was happening to someone else or some people... It's like all his was just a prelude to what was to come, coz I suddenly found myself in a whole new environment (earthly) and everything filled and permeating with light...🥰
So, here's to hoping all of us end up in the positive timeline..🙏


Kalamota Kook said...

Hi Lynne and everyone! I have been following and posting on this blog for years now, and I can't believe we're actually here, the point we were always talking about coming 'SOON'. I want to thank all the people here (and elsewhere on my spiritual travels) for being the fellow travellers who have helped each other and been a source of reassurance, information and solidarity through everything that has come to pass. What a ride it has been!

I love the sound of Patrick's dream, and I wonder if Lynne would mind clarifying one point about how best to proceed from here.

Regarding the two timeline / polarised worlds issue, is our job to get our hands dirty and join the fight at 3D level? Or is it to stay high vibe and above the chaos, focusing only on bringing our future Earth into being in a kind of pure state, detached from the melee?

I have heard some say that close contact with the 3D chaos will suck us down with the sinking ship, but another train of thought is that we're here to join in and lead and inspire the people who have only just woken up to the truth and are reacting in a chaotic way. Do we wade into the mud or look down from the hilltop, so to speak? I would be interested in thoughts.

When there was all the hoo-hah about Winter Solstice 2012 and the Mayan calendar, I did a deep long meditation asking the universe what I needed to know about the new chapter that was to come. The answer came clearly, and it was to read A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens. The two cities were London and Paris, and it was about the French Revolution. Then I learned about Pluto returns, which are affecting the USA and now France. So much of the chaos is inevitable and cannot be stopped. It's all right on time.

The only question left is what do we do? Join in or stand back and watch?

Kalamota Kook said...

Now I've thought about my post a little more, perhaps the first waves of awakened have done all their hardest work in preparation and can rest, while the great wave of newly awakened rise up, and it's their turn to do the work? Like changing shifts?

Patrick said...

A follow up to my above post:
I've been following Jean-Claude@BeyondMystic - for about 3 years but of late I've developed some disinterest to watching long videos (on any channel) and was about to ignore this video but decided to take a peek and right at the start, he talks of his own experience of the previous night and that others were emailing him telling him of a weird-positive sleepless night.

It seems others two were having interesting experiences as myself on the same night.

Below is the link to the video..

..need to just watch first 6 minutes..(he mentions his wife's experience too and says her name (Sarah) but its inaudible.)

I'm still feeling the exhilarating energies and effects of that night's experience 🥰.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

Hi everyone! Thanks for the great comments! I want to digest them and I see some things I was to respond to or even make another post!

I hope you all have a great Friday!

EA RW said...

Sometimes it's amazing how we as a society have allowed so many things. Keep the animals busy on the farm ...

The enlightened one said...

The line in the sand was drawn already with the bombing of civilians during WW2.
A true revolution needs to involve the racial and architectural restoration of Europe.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@EA RW: Very true!

@The enlightened one: I agree with that as well!