Monday, April 10, 2023

Who Remembers Al Capone? His-Story is Different Than My-Story

Al Capone's vault was a huge broadcast hosted by Geraldo.  They were going to release the contents of the sealed vault, and throughout the broadcast special they discussed parts of Capone's life.  Who remembers it something like this??..

Capone was a gangster.  He was involved in drugs and various other black market dealings.  He got on the radar of the government, and they ended up arresting him for tax evasion.  My intuition now tells me the government wanted a cut, and he was too stubborn to do it in the amount they wanted, so he took the punishment (begrudgingly).   

He went to prison, and was later transferred to Alcatraz.  I can remember being fascinated with this so much I always wanted to visit, and I finally got the chance to take a tour of Alcatraz about a decade later.  Alcatraz had a lot of "bad guys" see the inside of it's walls, and Capone was one of them.

After Capone served some time I remember learning of him dying at the hand of a prison fight.  It was thought it was in retaliation of a hit he put on someone that helped get him arrested to begin with..  His-story is now saying he was released on probation and died several years later at his Florida home.

I'm interested in how you remember these his-story accounts.  AI clearly wants us to remember it this new way.  We are truly under a gas-lighting agenda.. 

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light, Lynn 

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Robert Schoen said...

I never heard anything about how Capone died, but remember that the live broadcast of Geraldo opening of his safe was an embarrassing bust as it was empty.

I wonder Lynn if you can pick up psychic visions being in a place like Alcatraz as to the events that happened there in the past, like Danny in The Shining. It's pretty ironic that Alcatraz now might be a much safer place to live than the present day San Francisco, so maybe they'll turn it into a condo if people can get over all the ghosts that still hang around there.

RealCousinIT said...

I remember he died in prison of syphillis, I also saw the Geraldo show, what a let down.
Geraldo was ostracized for decades over that show.

marymary said...

I asked my sub-conscious mind if Al Capone died while retired and living in Florida. I got a NO to that. Then I asked if Al Capone died in prison at Alcatraz and I got a YES. There is an easy way to talk to your sub-conscious mind. Direct a question to your sub-conscious mind while you are standing. If you lean forward, the answer is yes. If you lean backwards, then the answer is no. So far, this technique has never failed me. I also laughed out loud when you said the narrative now states that Capone died in Florida. He was the king-pin of the underworld who ruled over the entire city of Chicago. No one since that time has ever had that much control over an entire city. It took some time before the police arrested him. No one wanted to testify against him, so they charged him with tax evasion.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Robert: I will say it was a really cool place, but parts were VERY ominous. I did pick up on some of the energy and there were spots that I refused to go.

@RealCousinIT: I bet. It was a huge let down. I vividly remember it.

@marymary: Thanks so much for sharing. That technique might be helpful to others as well.

galacticwarrior said...

Would hi-story repeat itself with the trumpet?

MJ said...

I dropped by Hilton SF before (colleagues were staying there) and saw the mockup prison at entrance. Eee.. Already felt off there. Negative vibes.

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