Wednesday, April 26, 2023

War of the Worlds Panic - New Mandela! or His-Story Changing

Q.  Orson Wells had a radio broadcast in the 30s that sent the country into a panic.  There were emergency calls and people hysterical.  NOW they state that the whole thing was a joke, and people knew it- There was no panic.  Why are they changing his-story?

A.  I hear "They are changing it because they can."  When I think of how AI is being incorporated into our lives, it feels very ominous.  They are trying to create a reality and shift things the way they want.  Taking events from the past and changing them is like a game.  It is a manipulation on the collective consciousness. 

They are taking things that are not even relevant or popular in current day discussion and manipulating the his-story behind it to see how the human psyche will respond. They have realized that most people will question things, and with good enough CGI or published internet stories, memories can seem hazy or doubtful.  If they start with smaller events, they can surely change major pivot points in his-story though some simple editing techniques.  

Watch for things in your memory to be documented differently.  This started when the winner wrote the his-story, and it going to be further exacerbated with the AI machines at work.

Love and light, Lynn 

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Robert Schoen said...

I've never seen this revisionist history on Orson Welles' War of the Worlds radio play in which there was no wide scale panic, but it seems apparent that such gas lighting is aimed at a younger generation that had no memory of this well known event. While this is a fairly minor alteration on popular culture, thanks to woke education, revisionism including the vilification of the South in the Civil War and white men and European culture in general as "racist," the diminishment of spirituality as an essential component of society, they hope to reshape mankind into their image. I hope they fail.

The enlightened one said...

I remember hearing about this event, and as it was presented then, there was widespread panic.

I don't know who's claiming there never was a panic because even Wikipedia adheres to the version that there was a panic, although it says it's scale is disputed.

It is not so hard to imagine that people did panic, considering that the format of the radio play included realistic news bulletins reporting on the progress of the invasion.

The enlightened one said...

On a related note, I remember watching an old Donald Duck cartoon from maybe the 1940's or 1950's where he's listening to the radio and gets distressed by what he hears. I think it might have been inspired by the Welles radio play. Anyone who remembers this?

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

Yeah, I think we are under operation gaslight..

Guedes de Miranda said...

Hi Lynn, many years ago, when you where doing a remarkable reading on BFs and one BF reportedly made telepathic contact with you, where you gaslighting us? ;) Thanks for this reading!

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Guedes de Miranda: I'm not sure how to take this comment or what BF stands for..??

The enlightened one said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Guedes de Miranda said...

Lynn, this surge in gaslighting expressions here is what I´m referring to, not that you conciuosly where telling us something wrong about BF(many ppl refer to theyr telepathic ability including their capability to return to inner earth). You changed the layout of your blog frontpage significantly and therefore I cannot return to readings classified by year now. But I recall that at the beginning, when you where asked about "Flatearth" you denied it´s existence. Now you changed your view (without actually answering many intriguing questions for example why are the "US-Open Tennis Games" carried out around August/September? At the same time the "Australian Open Tennis Games" occur in January. The answer is obvious, it could not be the other way round because in January its freezing cold in North America. But your flat earth model cannot explain this difference in climate zones). Comming to an end, you therefore also had been the object of a certain type of gaslightning then, otherwise you wouldn´t have changed your mind! Last not least, I agree that earth is flat, close to the south and north poles :)

Guedes de Miranda said...

sorry BF = sasquatch

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Guedes de Miranda: Honestly the flat earth map explains it clearly. It explains longer days vs shorter, and why it is warmer vs colder. Maybe I'll do another post and put a map up. Once you see it, you almost can't deny it. I agree that the more a person focuses on things, or as things cross your path, you may change your view. It is also possible that people tune into different dimensions or really anything. I don't delete posts, so I stand by it (that was my perspective at the time). Everyone can grow and maybe open perspectives (even intuitive abilities).