Wednesday, April 5, 2023

More Crazy Mandela - Most Survived the Zeppelin Explosion, Right?

Most everyone has heard of the tragic explosion of the Zeppelin, but they are rewriting facts of this fateful event.  Of the 97 people on board, allegedly MOST survived.  I say NO, this is another false reality they are trying to manufacture... 

When this horrible disaster occurred in 1937 everyone (or most everyone) died.  This was actually the his-story taught in school, and is logical based on the facts of that day.  Anyone viewing the view footage can deduce how tragic this was. 

I get this disaster was really the result of a negligent act.  The Zeppelin airship was a technology that was inherited/stolen from the Old World.  This technology afforded above land travel and a view that cartographers put to good use while documenting the world. 

These self proclaimed elite wanted to show off their skill, but also realized they needed to deem this type of travel "unsafe" because they didn't want people to have this bird's eye view until the proper "indoctrination" in school had occurred.  They had to have people scared to get this high up.  It was certain with that type of eye-witnessing inquisitive mind's may pose a problem.  After all they may question the appearance of land, question it contour, question is it flat??

It hovered under the clouds where things could be seen for miles.  It truly was a bird's eye view.

They are now rewriting his-story to state that only 1/3 of the people on board died.  Why would they do this?  It is because now that we have twelve years of indoctrination in public school regarding space.  It is ok to allow us to travel on planes, especially when most times the altitude is above the clouds.  We can lessen the fear, and also scramble our memories with regard to this incident. (I also sense they LOVE to mess with us in plain sight as a joke.)

I admit the human mind is fallible in remembering facts.  They know this as they try to gaslight our his-story.  If you have a hunch that there is something you "just know" trust that intuition.  They want us to question our God-given gifts (which is another aspect of this gaslighting).

And that is all I have for this reading.  Love and light, Lynn 

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Robert Schoen said...

Other than having seen the movie Hindenburg decades ago which showed survivors, I had to look up the Wikipedia article to understand what happened during that famous explosion, which said all the passengers on the portside were all able to escape while those on the crashed starboard side were blocked from escaping because the exit doors were stuck. Of those that survived, many died the next day from either from injuries jumping out too high or burns. This was in 1937 and dirigibles were luxury class travel,but you have to believe this tragedy was the best thing for encouraging train travel vs emerging commercial plane industry.

Lynn was suggesting that one issue was the PTB didn't want air travel because it would make people realize the earth was flat. It's interesting that the glass used in all commercial airplanes is curved to remain flush with the fuselage. This creates a slight bulging effect people mistake for being the supposed curvature of the Earth.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Robert: Very interesting food for thought....