Monday, April 24, 2023

1970 Venus Landing His-Story Mandela

Q. In 1970 we landed on Venus.  What is this nonsense? 

A.  This is a pretty taboo topic on the Internet, so this post will be brief.  This is just that- nonsense... We live under a firmament, but these evil people controlling the narrative want us to think we are free.  

"As above and so below" is true.  We have water below, and a plasma type liquid above.  The ET beings that know how to work the portals traverse terrains easily, but we haven't fully mastered this technique.  ET= Extra Terrestrial (Terrain).  They are terrain travelers.  

This piece of his-story just isn't true, but with the compliments of AI they can create this entire event.  They have convinced us to contribute and believe in the "space race" as a way to deflect and distract.  

Watch out people.. AI is coming and coming fast!

Love and light, 

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Plom said...

You forgot secret space forces of Earth,,,

Robert Schoen said...

They create a narrative that keeps us in constant fear and their NASA "space program," first run by a Hollywood studio exec, was dedicated to creating a giant black hold slush fund for dark ops with a picture of space that makes us feel cosmically insignificant as if we and our earth aren't of divine invention but some random accident also commonly found on other "planets."

Nurse1277 said...

We also once lived under a dome that has almost completely come down 70%, as per Truther
Honey C Golden

SB said...

Lynn several people including myself have seen a weird black goo that can fly and change form Mrmbb333 even posted a video about it a few weeks ago. My question is; is this the elites trying to find a way to access the portals you talked about that only the ETs can or is this something else? Thank you.

Guedes de Miranda said...

@Plom you Plumbed it! You have noticed that very well. All the survivor of the Secret Space Program recalling what they experienced in space, can´t be wrong. There is this interesting slip of the matrix when a young abducted (by one of the alphabet agencies) girl born into a redneck family from the Western US returned after a long time (she got her age reversed) and could only speak German with a pronounced Suavian Accent (spoken only in parts of SW Germany) because she was educated by a Teutonic breakaway society on Mars. Penny Bradley is her name and one of her interviews is this (BTW she has a YT channel of her own), thanks for this post Lynn! <3 & light!

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

Thanks for all the comments! Yes, they are trying to gas light us!

@SB: Let me look closer at the Black Goo... I do remember seeing something on this. :-)

SB said...

Lynn it flies now the one I saw went from three black goo orbs to long tubes the one Mrmbb333 featured was a long tube. It acts like it is looking for something I thought maybe portals lol.

The enlightened one said...

I can find information about these Soviet spacecraft in contemporary newspaper articles in the archive of the Royal Library of Sweden. These are digital copies of physical news paper articles. If indeed this is a case of gaslighting (which I doubt), then they did a very good job at manipulating news articles from all across the world. Maybe I should check the microfilm copies as well, just to be sure...

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@SB: I will look at it. :-)

@enlightened one: Hmmm. that's interesting...