Monday, March 13, 2023

J.a.n S.i.x Conspiracy

Q.  Hi Lynn.  I'm looking forward to the J.a.n S.i.x Pelosi conspiracy exposure. What is going to happen with this? 

A. SO... the event in J.a.n (I have to watch saying and spelling it out) was a total propaganda ploy by the far left.  I did readings on it when it happened, and I stand by those readings.  The democrats created this incident for a couple reasons. 

They needed a distraction and needed people to think the conservatives were "scary" and "out of control" when it was REALLY their goons dressed in all black waving a flag with an A causing havoc everywhere they went.  Not to mention the tandem groups of "Lives Matter" that were manufactured to further create division and destroy property.  I personally watched these  people dressed in black liter, harass and destroy things in their path as if it was their entitled right to do so.  The Conservative gatherings were quite the opposite and not based on violence and harassing those around (If you think otherwise we can agree to disagree as I personally watched it and these people were terrifying- NEVER have I felt that way in a conservative gathering).  This holds true for the Conservatives at "this place" on "this day" - they aren't scary or violent - they were part of a propaganda ploy.  The Democrats know this so they had to manufacture this distraction to create their narrative that would be replayed indefinitely on the CNN, MSNBC and every other owned news outlet.  

The Dems also wanted to make sure that Pence was pressured into getting Biden confirmed.  The Dems were so close to a power shift after having just manufactured an election and going through so much work that they didn't want to lose in the 11th hour.  This chaos added to the impact of that day and made is "necessary" to get this done and power transitioned quickly.

One of the biggest things that happened that day was the creation of a scape goat (or goats) to create an example.  The Conservative group was ushered by security like a tour group.   This security under the authority of the Speaker was so kind they even opened doors and showed the group around as people took pictures.  They didn't know that they were part of a photo op and a greater plan to demonize anyone that opposes the liberal agenda.  (This is evidenced in the video - you can see for yourself this was a total farce.  They even lied about the police officer dying!:

Now that the truth is out and the true evil behind this is exposed, people will be enraged.  Oddly, those that have blinders on will still want to believe the spin the Dems put on this.  There was no danger, no threat.  The only threat was what the Dems did to those innocent people sitting in jail separated from their families.  It is unreal how evil the people in this administration truly are and unreal the spell they have cast over those that want to follow.

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love to those in need of some prayers now.  We have to come together and quit allowing them to divide us more with their lies. -Lynn 

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Robert Schoen said...

I was in DC for a week to attend that event and can tell you it was a 2 million strong peaceful and spiritual love-in where everyone who came was motivated out of concern for their Country and to correct the obviously fraudulent 2020 election. The mercenary/FIB violence and media spin of that day was to distract from the fact that 2 million showed up to support Trumpet in which they used the same lives matter/antifart riot playbook to create their false narrative that was the opposite of the reality of that day. Also, the FIB investigation and jailing of attendees that day, many who never went into the Capital, was a blatant intimidation tactic to keep more from speaking out against the lies of that day. I hope the truth will help end the propaganda media cartel that's been lying to the public for as long as I can remember about everything.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

Robert: I'm right there with you. I hope some wake up... but they have to turn off CNN and really look with their eyes.