Monday, March 6, 2023

Is Everything We Were Taught A Lie?

Q. I've heard a theory that many things (things you wouldn't consider) in the school curriculum are just a parroting of various agendas they are trying to push.  What are your thoughts?  Thanks.

A.  The first thing I hear when I read this question is "What if everything you were taught in school was a lie?"

Then I have a list of events emerge... The first being "Columbus sailed the ocean blue in 1492"  What if that didn't happen?  Or, what if it was really important to weave a story of the colonization and how we came to be.  Even the way we inhabited a land could be false... I do get that people from Europe came to the Americas and settled here, but they weren't the first and the process was much different.  

I get hundreds of years ago people from the Scandinavian lands and Vikings explored lands in search of treasures.  They happened upon the Saint Lawrence Strait and entered the middle of the continent.  I get if you really looked you would find traces of their existence near main waterways that connect to the Strait.  This happened way before "Columbus."

They created the 1492 to blur how the Europeans settled here.  In reality a civilization was already hear and destroyed, leaving infrastructure behind.  I've talked about Tartary before, and this question brings the topic back to life.  Civilizations run in cycles, and those in the know realize this, plan ahead (how many Powers that Were have bunkers and underground safety?) so they can emerge and recapture what was left, enslaving the rest. That is what happened when Tartary was destroyed in the midst of a mud flood.

So much of our history is taught to obfuscate what actually happened.  The Powers That Were don't want you to know that they stole a template that was left.  So what do they do?  Sell lies, write propaganda, rewrite history including textbooks and capture kids when they are young and impressionable to indoctrinate them in schools.  You can create any story if you control what is taught.  Note history is "his" story".  It isn't called "his" "facts."

I get the popularity of insane asylums were created for those that wouldn't buy into this cycle of lies during the most recent reset.  What happens there in these places?  Lobotomies, shock therapy and drugs were popular-hard to share truth when you brain is like scrambled eggs.  Kids are taken and redistributed on trains (orphan trains) and incubator babies to repopulate areas, while adults are segregated elsewhere if they don't submit.

Then you have some diseases thin the crowd to make it more manageable, and this is where the Spanish Flu enters.  That time mimics this time in regards to "shots" given and making people sick, many even resulting in death.  The true origin of the Spanish Flu was in the shots given to the military making people ill, not pigs as suggested in the his-story books. When things get too unruly the goal is to create infighting and illness to dilute the force.   

You also have some massive fires (Chicago for example) to destroy buildings and parts of history that are hard to explain.  Only so much is built by horse and buggy with lantern light. There was no machinery, tools or heavy equipment.  These buildings are so exquisite that they can't (or aren't) replicated now.  People of that time were smart enough not to waste time and resources on glamourous trim, windows, enlarged doors and underground windows and doors backfilled by mud.  If the story is hard to believe, they must burn down evidence- and they did.  Keep a few buildings, and destroy the rest.  Look at the World's Fair structure that was used and destroyed - none of that makes rational sense.

Then you throw in some wars.  Money is made on both sides, and most times there is a hidden propaganda involved.  More infrastructure is destroyed (churches, libraries, statues) and after WW2 the textbooks were rewritten to make sure everyone understood the narrative that was to result from that war.  If  those living in Europe had a truth they experienced that wasn't popular, they were FORBIDDEN to speak on it.  Many connected Powers That Were wanted to make sure certain groups stayed "protected" from that point forward- and they still are decades later.  I encourage people to critically think- you shouldn't have to protect people from free thinking, sharing a thought or having an opinion unless you are worried that those thoughts and opinions are TRUE and they go against your narrative. This holds true even today in our current world of craziness.

So yes, there are many agendas they try to push.  Most result in money being funneled to some corporate entity (many owned by members of the Powers That Were).  They have crept into almost all areas of our life from medicine, food, air, water, schools, politics, religion, etc... It truly is everywhere like a virus.  Now more than every people need to use their internal compass and not let the propaganda machine take hold.

And that is all I have for this reading (which could really go on forever)… Much love, Lynn

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The Great Teddy said...

Very poignant reading Lynn. It resonates of course. But then again I left the Matrix many years ago .

You are completely right that the PTW are everywhere. With that level of control we need some kind of miracle. People will not spontaneously wake up over night and neither will the PTW voluntarily relinquish control.

So how will the fall of the PTW happen? Do you see when? What will happen afterwards?

Robert Schoen said...

This is a great overview of how official history is a lie, but what is really fascinating is how this becomes a roadmap to piece together lots of other information to make sense of the real story. For instance the many giant underground cities that were carved out of mud like beehives, some of which were found in Turkey and elsewhere, were possibly a survival response to the mudslide that destroyed Tartaria. Instead of Columbus seeking a new route to India, it seems more probable the European courts had reports of the gold that was found in the new land and that's why they financed Columbus and others trips to Get that gold in the Americas which created the great wealth and opulence of the Baroque era.

What Lynn sees that happened in the past is also exactly what we are living through right now. The global re-education of young people into a cult of Wokeism, a new 'pandemic' caused by imposed shots to reduce the population, and the creation of fake news which will eventually turn into fake history if the bad guys win. The good news is more and more people are waking up to these lies and ignoring them.

EA RW said...

All this time we where told we don't have a choice when in fact we do have a choice. It's one big psy-op. It's very well orchestrated especially behind the scene.

The enlightened one said...

As they say in X-Files: The truth is out there. (Ok, not forever perhaps, but at least until it's censored.)

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@The Great Teddy: I think we are in for a great reset... Our world is so crazy, it will need a cleansing.

@Robert: Very true!

@EA RW: Yes...

@The enlightened one: Yes. LOL.. very true!