Wednesday, March 29, 2023

High Seas Treaty - The Next Plan in Fake Food

Q.  Hi Lynn, I wonder what you might see in regard to the "protection of our oceans."
Perhaps I'm becoming too cynical but I'm wondering if this is simply the next step in the attack on our natural food sources. They've demonized animal food sources and introduced fake meat, and are actively destroying farming practices leading to factory farming. Is this their attempt to force feed us fake seafood?  

Thanks for all you do! 

A.  This is absolutely in response to wanting to control the global food supply.  If you control food, not only do you impact the health and growth of a person, you make them vulnerable. 

For example, if you deprive people of certain nutrients you can stunt growth, brain development, create health issues and even limit life span.  Humans need certain things to survive AND thrive, and a diet of mainly crickets and grasshoppers isn't one of them.  

Let's even take this a step further.  What type of species eats lots of insects?  Various reptiles eat bugs and insects.  I get this is not only hindering growth and development, it is a joke on the people to force them to be more "reptilian."

500 million tons of plastic alone is dumped in the oceans each year with China being the number one offender (Source:  If they were concerned with the state of the ocean, stop the pollution and dumping.  People eating fish and fishing aren't what is causing all the damage to the eco system.

In the end, they want full control.  There are some sick people trying to govern us.  I'm hopeful people will wake up with every action they take against us. One day we will be strong again. 

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light, Lynn 

Leviticus 11:9 “These you may eat, of all that are in the waters. Everything in the waters that has fins and scales, whether in the seas or in the rivers, you may eat.

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Robert Schoen said...

I remember the Fukushima nuclear plant meltdown that polluted the Pacific happened very close in time to when the BP Oil "Spill" in the Gulf of Mexico(really an underwater volcano of spewing oil) and the subsequent dumping of hundreds of thousands of gallons of the 'toxic to marine life' Cor-exit to disperse the oil both threatened the sea-life and fishing industries of two oceans. It seemed quite deliberate under Obama as if these two disasters were planned. I just hope these two events weren't a trial run for something bigger. As Trumpet suggests, it's time to destroy the Deep State before they destroy us, and it will take a global effort on the part of all Countries to stand up to them and hold them to account for their crimes,

The enlightened one said...

Amen to that!
Also, I'd like to add that fishing isn't a problem as long as you fish responsibly. One problem today is that too much is thrown away. Also, pollution and over-fertilizing affect fish negatively, especially inside closed bays whose water stem mostly from rivers from adjoining land. The bottom of the Baltic Ocean for example is completely dead due to lack of oxygen. Fishermen frequently report malignant ulcers on fish in the Baltic Ocean, probably due to pollutants.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

I agree with both of you. They don't care about the eco system. They care about controlled us through food.