Tuesday, February 28, 2023

More Tartarian Questions

Q.  Lynn, you have said that the ancient high-tech Tartarian buildings have been through an ice age, and that is part of the reason they are so old but so well preserved. But you also said that the Tartarian civilization happened shortly after Jesus. That means there must have been an Ice Age in North America well within recorded history. Could you tell us more about this?

When did the Ice Age start? The Tartarian architecture and coins seem to end around the year J-800, or AD 800. Did we experience an Ice Age for 1000 years between AD 800 and 1800? How can we account for well documented history in Europe in this period...maybe Europe wasn't frozen? When is the next Ice Age coming around for this (currently thawed) part of the world, and where will it hit first? Thank you!  

A.  The axis mundi is always shifting as it moves through the astrological progression.  As some places thaw others freeze. I do see an ice age, but when I think on this (and I have been thinking on this a lot) I think the Ice Age started after Jesus.  [I'd have to review the chat and see what I said and the context]. 

The more I think on these buildings, and even stop to look at them when I run across one of them, I think they are not as old as we think (some may be pre-Ice Age?).  The reason they last is because of the materials they use.  Solid stone, block and bricks last.  

As I look at the timeline and try to get clarity, I see the Ice Age came after Jesus, and the Tartarians came during an Ice Age shift as the Axis Mundi was slowly moving to a new position.  New places were freezing while others were thawing.  I get that 800 AD is more of an accurate timeframe of when Tartary was thriving.  I also get that the J in J-800 standing for Jesus.  800 years after the birth of Jesus.

Thanks so much for the question.  I'm enjoying learning and uncovering history with you. This is a huge topic and I feel we are just scratching the surface. Much love, Lynn 

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Robert Schoen said...

This later dating of an "AD" ice age makes sense to me for two reasons: A melting ice age ending in the 1600 or 1700's may have accounted for the liquified mudslide that covered the bottoms of many buildings and also there is a chronological architectural vernacular that indicates many Tartarian buildings date from the 17th Century of earlier, all drawing from the Roman vernacular of the Renaissance. Secondly, this quicksand-like mud avalanche that liquified the ground could also account for the deaths of millions in major cities that appear deserted in 19th century photos and the reason giant "orphanages" were built to repopulate much of the known earth during that period.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Robert: I completely agree!

Patrick said...

The more insights you give us Lynn, the more intriguing this whole Tartarian History gets...and that it's not that too old either..!
And its our very own rich history hidden from us!
As I write this, I think to ask...If Tartaria is very slightly dimensionally removed from our own, even though their buildings and architecture are visible to us..?

Thanks Lynn.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Patrick: Glad you enjoy these posts. I really enjoy learning more too. I think they very much lived in the 3D. They were intelligent and very artistic, but yes they lived on the same land we live on now.

Isanne said...

thank you Lynn! Do you feel you can answer the last part of the questions?

Can we expect another ice age soon?

thank you very much, this is so interesting and really resonates with me!

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Isanne: I think organically things are always slowly freezing/thawing as the axis mundi slightly shifts... The next big one will probably be more evident in the next 300-400 years.