Tuesday, January 31, 2023

No More Chicken Eggs and No More Sperm - It's The FOOD

Q.  Lynn, What's up with the alleged chicken feed stunting chickens in their ability to lay eggs?

Off topic, but it also made me think of the "conceptive corn" I heard about.  What is going on with this world?

A.  Even though unrelated I'd like to address both important topics.  Let me break them down one at a time.  

People have recently reported that their chickens aren't laying eggs.  It has been discovered that one common link is commercial feed.  Once people started to modify and make their own food, the egg production regained.  So, what is going on?

They are trying to ruin the food supply.  Many homesteaders raise chickens and by manipulating the feed they can alter one of the staples many homesteaders have.  We too noticed a reduced/no production in our chickens and when the feed was changed to more table scraps/oatmeal mix, production returned.

Eggs are also a staple in many recipes and a good source of what used to be cheaper nutrient dense food.  By hurting chickens or eggs production you can create a demand in the market, and further raise prices.  This is purely an evil ploy to hurt the food supply and make excuses for inflated prices.  

The corn is an issue that I had not heard about, and when I looked into this I was honestly disgusted.  I get there has been a depopulation agenda for decades.  It first started with the amount of "shot" requirements they put on our children.  There was then another push by adding soy to MANY foods which decreases testosterone and sperm counts.  The next push was this GMO corn that creates antibodies that kills sperm in males and sperm that may be deposited in females (contraceptive corn) which decreases birth rates.  

We've slowly had our water filled with fluoride, our air chemtrailed our food altered and our children filled with shots. These evil PTW are doing what they can to fast track the depopulation agenda, and found a huge success in the recent beer bug shot.  

People please wake up and pay attention to what is going on.  There is no time like to present to try to grow a garden, even if a little bit in planters to have to true nutrition enter your body.

And that is all I have for this reading.  Love to all- Lynn 

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Robert Schoen said...

It's truly a depopulation agenda and Lynn's read explains why I've always avoided corn, even the non-gmo type. The eggs being sabotage both by feed and by deliberate destruction of millions of birds over alien flu that was given to them by FDA inspectors it's truly an atrocity performed by our government against its own people for the globalists. I've read that chickens don't like grain-based feeds but prefer grass. According to realrawnews.com something is being done about it by the military. Bidet's top economic advisor and his Agriculture Secretary have been executed for sabotaging the food supply and specifically eggs. This won't last and the guilty are being punished.

RealCousinIT said...

If you have egg producers near you save your table scraps for them, we are
fortunate to live near many farms that provide meat, chicken, eggs and dairy.
As a retired chef I’m appalled at the destruction of our food chain, grow what
you can this year.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Robert: You are so right on all accounts. I do think this is being brought to light. People are waking up and getting sick of it. With the amount of inflation, this is even more on our radars.

@RealCousinT: Well said!