Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Hi Everyone! Please join me on Substack!

I wanted to diversify my content and make sure the Psychic Focus community stays connected.  I'm still testing this, but as I understand every time I post content it is delivered right to your inbox. You may want to check out the platform and see if there are other content creators you enjoy.  

Thanks again for all the support you have given me!  If you have any feedback, please don't hesitate to share.

Love and light, Lynn 


Anon said...

would the content be similar to what we have in Subscribe Star?

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

Yes it would. I'm just trying to diversify a bit. If I do something different then I will be sure to let folks know. I may release my "banned" posts I've done earlier and had to pull (I have a lot of them).

Patrick said...

Subscribed !

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Patrick: Great, thank you. :-)