Monday, January 23, 2023

Ewaranon - Five Hour Video Discussed - Moon Reflects the GINORMOUS Earth

Q.  Lynn, I know the Ewaranon video is five hours long, but for those of us that have seen it, it would be nice if you break it down and provide your thoughts. For instance, you have provided the babies situation. You have somewhat have explored the flat earth model.. A reading on the other land masses that show on the projection of the moon, and how the circle of the sun will eventually move to those land masses resulting in the freezing of different land masses would be interesting. Thanks.  

A.  First, I saw the Ewaranon video and it is very interesting.  It definitely poses some mind expanding ideas, and those ideas resonate within me as true. 

He expressed a concept, that I inherently knew was true when I thought about it.   There is an expression, "as above, so below."  The Bible also states in the first book, Genesis about the creation of Earth.  Genesis 1:6, "And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters."  

There is a firmament dividing water.  Genesis 1:7 further states "And God made the firmament, and divided the water which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament and it was so."

Note: Many books of faith parallel each other and have similar variations of stories, however, the above is specifically quoted text from my bible.

Whether you resonate with the quote "as above, so below" or the Bible itself, there is water both above and below the firmament.  The water above the firmament looks more like a plasma, but still a variant of traditional H2O.

Now that we have established some form of fluid above the firmament, consider this: If you look in a puddle, lake or any standing water, you will see a reflection.  The moon is full of reflective light and is within this "H2O plasma field."  The moon reflects the image of Earth just as you would see your face in a puddle.  In looking at this reflection it supports the concept of Earth being much larger, and we only live on a VERY small portion of it.  For this reason the logistics like sea level, rise over run with railroads, flight patterns, etc don't make sense.  

We inhabit a small part that is livable with the outskirts being surrounded by an ice wall.  The sun makes it's rotation around a central axis mundi (we refer to this as true north).  As time evolves on Earth, Gaia evolves through the different astrological processions.  We are now in the Age of Aquarius which centers around our version of true north.  We will be in that "Age" for the next 2160 years before moving into the Age of Capricorn.

When we move to the Age of Capricorn, the axis mundi will shift, and change true north.  At that time areas will thaw and other areas will freeze.  
This is also why ETs are called Extra Terrestrial.  When many of them visit, or hover in our atmosphere, they are coming from other areas of Earth's terrain (terrestrial:  an inhabitant of the earth).  Beings from other areas should technically be called "Aliens."

I would suggest if you have time watch or listen to his videos.  I see him shedding light on a very curious question. 

And that is all I have for this reading.  I realize I just touched the surface on this topic, so I welcome any questions below to continue the conversation. 

Thank you.  Love and light, Lynn 


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Karoline said...

Thank you so much for making this reading Lynn. Is very interesting how everything is in plain sight, and yet most of humanity are oblivious to it. Like you said in a previous post, the rep-tile beings needed permission from us.. these extra land masses sort of remind me of the movie trilogy of Divergent. Those movies were really good. Perhaps some truth to it.

Robert Schoen said...

We must be the dumbest and most unevolved humanoids on the plane-it. No wonder God shut us inside a giant ice wall. I'm really interested in the water/plasma we call outer space outside the firmament. So is the model of space with advanced civilizations on other planets also false? Are we alone except for our "cousins" on the unknown continents & hollow earth?

This firmament model of the Earth is the greatest proof of a God who created everything with a divine plan. I get free will, but why do we have to be so stupid, evil and violent? Our extra-Terrestrial cousins seem to help us or give signs like crop circles without interfering, but if they did allow us to know the reality of the Earth, that would be the greatest Wake-up call for us to get our act together. I saw a bit of the pro-abortion women's march in DC online Sunday and some of us are still really living life in Sodom and Gomorrah territory

Dana said...

Oh wow...this is nuts...I was just about to ask you what outer space really is and you already must be psychic :D

I saw the "earth is reflected on the moon" theory a while back and dismissed it as silly, I guess I have to be more careful. I really did not expect you to confirm this. I thought all the dark spots on the moon were just craters or different types of dirt causing the shapes, but yep, when I look at a high resolution moon image, there it is. It could definitely be a ghostly shadow. Shows what I know.

So is the "scale" of the moon map accurate? Is the thawed area about 25% of the total area under the dome? I found this picture that has been edited to show the map much more clearly:

Also, isn't it always dark under the other firmaments? How do the aliens live there? I guess maybe they have their own light and heat source...hmmm

Thank you so much. Going to have to let this stew in my brain for a (long) while @.@

@Robert I don't think Source trapped us inside the ice wall...not sure who did though...but I could be wrong

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Karoline: That is a great movie. My kids loved it. You are most welcome. :-)

@Robert: I do think we are alone, but those beings are really Aliens (versus Extra Terrain/Terrestrial Beings). I wouldn't say dumb, but easily duped... Those in the know, actually know. I agree that many biblical references feel to be parallel to day (another reason I've been compelled to look at different books in the bible).

@Dana: That pic is a good one. I do think other firmaments have their own light source (and some could be dark). This is definitely an interesting topic!