Friday, November 18, 2022

The Trumpet Train Continues

Q.  Lynn, It's official!  Trumpet announced his campaign to run for POTUS 2024.  What do you get for this?  

A.   Well.... I always saw someone in his family would run, but not actually him. The name Trumpet looked on the ticket, so I'm a little disconnected that it is him.  I see there was a bit of a timeline shift with this.,,,

In moving past that, I get the PTW (Powers That Were) are allowing this to happen because a Trumpet on the ticket allows for more division and keeps us separate.  The only hope the ultra left have is to keep us in an uproar, AND provide us with more hopeium that he will be able to change all that is wrong.

Having said that, I do think Trumpet has good intentions to make change, but he is just ONE man.  He cannot do it all, and the PTW have mastered cheating, deflection and causing chaos to get their agendas across.  Be cautious that they use Trumpet as a distraction to make people think he will save them, even stirring up the letter "Que" movement so they can work their agenda while people feverishly try to decipher codes on the Que board. Meanwhile, they have compromised the Que board (I see this happened last year) to keep people searching for a message they want to find when in reality they've just gone on a wild goose chase.

I look for scandals, chaos and cultural clashes to be at an all time high once the campaigning gains momentum.  The is the world the PTW want to create so we are weakened and easier to take over.  They want us full of distractions.  Buckle up folks because we are in for a ride with this!

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light, Lynn 

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Robert Schoen said...

There are so many moves and countermoves in politics that there's bound to be speculation over Trumpet's motives and the Dem's response. While they love division, they definitely don't want Trumpet! I get the feeling Don wanted Ivanka to run, considering Kamala was an actor's heartbeat away from the Presidency and T said in 2020 Harris can't be US's first female President. Ivanka was notably absent from dad's announcement and her statements afterwards hinted as much.

It's amazing to me that TDS is still going strong after 2 years of Biden disasters, but brainwashing goes deep and most are allergic to admitting they were wrong. Of course announcing for '24 now somewhat protects Trumpet from Dem prosecution on political grounds, not that they won't try after their blatant swing state election thievery gave them the Senate and key Governorships. The Hopium in me says the White Hats better start public prosecutions of key bad actors before '24 and that 2023 should be interesting.

The enlightened one said...

@Robert Schoen
In what manner would announcing for '24 protect him from political prosecution?
What "key bad actors" are you thinking of, more specifically?

Robert Schoen said...

@enlightened one, I'm as much in the dark about what will happen as anyone in the dynamic sea of politics, but recommend you check out 'sganon' on Rumble whom I agree with on what's been going on behind the scenes. By announcing now, any attempt by the J6 committee, Justice Dept or NY DA Leticia to get Trumpet indicted will look like unjustified Dem political persecution of a candidate and increase his popularity much like the Mar-a-Lago raid did. "Key Bad actors"? take your pick: Fauci, FBI's Gray,Garland, Hunter and dad Biden, McConnell and others in Congress that sold out to China, Soros and the Rothschilds, and all those who participated in the 2022 election steal which they apparently have all the evidence of knowing they would do it. The Repubs taking the House have already announced plans for investigations on many of these actors that will go on after January 3. I live in the Deep South of the US and just heard the fourth fighter jet pass over my house in an hour, so things are happening!

jetpakrat said...

R.Schoen I truly LOVE and value your well rounded insights and regular thoughtful comments.
Almost as much as I LOVE Lynn for generously providing us her insight and findings!
Thank you to all who contribute to this and the paths (SOCs anyone? Woot!) it has opened for those of us who are trying to uncover exactly what the truth is of this “reality”. What an insane chore, huh?
All I know for sure is that I don’t know.

Well, what I DO know is there is nothing greater than LOVE - and good WILL triumph.
Or at least that’s where I’m gonna put my energy. Hope and positive projection are much more powerful than ppl give credit for. Use those divine intentions to manifest healing, peace and abundance for ALL of creation. Do not shut your heart off in despair or fear. Shine that Light and Love no matter what! (Oh and I believe you can still be a snarky smart ass while you’re at it-it’s not bs dizzkneeland around here. Not a blind Polly Purebred am I)

Happy Holidays. May everyone embrace the Love and Peace needed to sustain and comfort them.

Weeze said...

R. Schoen - Ditto!! 😊

jetpakrat said...

Thanks Weeze. ðŸĪ—ðŸĪŠ Everyone pile on the recognition, praise and joy.
Let’s all knit this net of Love and Ascension!
Stand fast in your KNOWING of the power of service to others and laughter!
What lays before us is amazing!

Robert Schoen said...

THanks Enlightened one, Weeze and Jetpakrat, and especially for your thoughts on projecting intention of love for a better world, which we all should do. I only post here to support the important work Lynn does, and it's basically the only place I post online. Often I worry about taking up too much space here, or getting too political and even wish the focus of my posts would be about more that just politics. I speak out because this is at a critical moment in history and the best we can do is to understand what's going on and, as Jetpakrat said, project positive intent to create a better world. Lynn's here to help us understand what's going on and that's why I gratefully follow her.

The enlightened one said...

@Robert Schoen
Why do the bad actors need to be prosecuted before 2024? Why not after? As for those involved in the election scam, don't you think they'll just find new co-conspirators if the old ones are jailed?

Why do you think it's so special that a fighter jet flies above your house? Couldn't it simply have been an exercise or routine mission?

So you're a Southerner? Then I guess you're a regular of Cracker Barrel?

I bet Robert Schoen paid you to post that. Very suspicious that you registered only Nov. this year, and I haven't seen you before.

Unknown said...

I do not think the PTW want Trump to run. He really screwed up their schedule and agenda for 4 years, they do not want him back again. If he persists in running, and is not deterred by constant harassment and lawfare, he will wind up like Kennedy. This is not just pretend-opposition, they really will not tolerate him. He should bow out and let DeSantis run in 2024.

jetpakrat said...

Glad you’re there to sus police everyone O’ Great Enlightened One. 😂😂😂 (I’m just kidding)
I’ve seen you plenty and think I even snapped at you once years ago when I mistook your dry Euroforwardness (you get where I’m going with this?? Dif in cultures - even tho I’ve traveled some and lived a few places I’m Midwest (NWA & Ozarks atm) USA through and through - this time around) for rudeness towards Lynn. I blessedly have a snap memory and keep to myself.

Also beware the stereotypes (she said realizing her own example just given) of the South. There are many many of us that are sharp, hardworking and extremely heartcentered honest and open. And I personally prefer to NOT support chain restaurants or other big places - why the taste for homogeny instead of independent unique individual offerings??

I similarly do not post online anywhere near to ever. I’ve known FB (anyone else think fat butt??) was a info op from day one. And find the rest of social media for the most part suuuuper repugnant.

Robert please don’t ever stop posting or hold back!
In fact I almost wonder if we ALL need to burst our dam walls and flood the world with our LOVE and positive dreams/visions? Heaven knows we’ve done been drowned in this mudslide of manipulated motives of madness for well a millennia plus.

Side note to get Robert’s money worth of what he has paid me for 😂 - I live near an airport that is the halfway point for the military flying cross country and can tell you that there has been significant upticks in military air traffic. Also it’s easy to track the flights online.
Things to ponder before you believe that the ptw are perpetually powerful instead of the dim witted wieners that they truly are - explain the expansion at get mo and the EOs that T signed first thing stating the confiscation of assets and penalties brought against the ones found guilty of hue man traf ick ing.
Don’t give the dummies your support and powerful personal energy by buying into their flawed projection of their crap “reality”.

Robert Schoen said...

@Jetpacrat, I'll Venmo you the usual for your second praising post, and btw, the truly enlightened don't need to keep asking why like a two year old, they'd simply get it ;-) Being part of Lynn's community we should all play nice here and express our ideas rather than getting into the personal or back and forths that might discourage others from posting their thoughts. Never been to Cracker Barrel and it was at least 6 squadrons flying over the Gulf of Mexico that I heard overhead today, hopefully coming back from dropping off DS baddies at GITMO.

The enlightened one said...

@Robert Schoen
Those who are very self-assured that they've got it are often the most stupid ones, because they draw premature conclusions. I asked you for clarifications, because I didn't want to put a verdict on your statement until I fully understood your line of thinking.

Maybe they have more frequent exercises because of the tensions with Russia and China.

So in other words you're praising Schoen's comments, just because you want to dismiss the value of my comments because of something I wrote many years ago? I think you should get over whatever was said years ago. And I think you should refrain from making statements about the contributions of other readers, if your only purpose is to stir something up that made you snap years ago.

The enlightened one said...

After a poll on whether to reopen Trump's twitter account, Musk has now decided to reopen it. Not so surprisingly, ADL is immediately accusing Musk of promoting "hate, harassment and misinformation", in response to the reopening av Trump's account.

I think the bad guys are getting nervous now... The recoil of their mass censorship is about to hit them in the face.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

Thanks so much for all the great comments! I love all you guys and truly appreciate the sharing!

Vipavk0 said...

Why is B1den still in WH?
Many sources also S1mon p4rk3s &co said that
will be there max couple of months ,
so another fake hopium and false prophets

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Vipavk0: He is there because he serves as their puppet. They use him as their mouth piece. I wouldn't plan on him leaving too soon b/c he is doing what they want.