Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Fun Mandela Effects

Q.  Lynn, Can you revisit the Mandela Effect?  I feel like we are living in many timelines right now. Things never seem to be what they really are.

A.  I agree!  We are living in many timelines and that is why some of us experience a collective memory and then things sync and we come back together.  I know they want to discount this phenomena, but I do get that we do have different timelines that ebb and flow, and eventually we come together.  This is happening more and more with the Gaia energy shifting. 

I also get that there are certain "Powers" out there wanting to change memories.  Much like mind control, they are controlling memories.  A good example of this is adding chemtrails to older movies to show us "they were always there."  Gaslighting at it's finest.  

I am sure many of you have had at least one of the items below stick in your conscious memory.  I do think it would be a fun thing to look at.  Please feel free to share your experience below.

1.  I remember Febreeze with 2 "e's" but apparently it only has one.. My memory has 2 "e's".

2.  I was certain Kit-Kat had a hyphen.. Verdict says no..

3.These are my dad's favorite and was certain that "Stuff" had two f's.  I guess that isn't true.

4.  Who remembers Tony the Tiger with a blue nose?  Not me.  In my timeline it was black.  The blue doesn't even make sense to me, but....

5.  I am certain when I was a kid and looked in the mirror of my dad's Ford Tempo it said "Objects in Mirror May be Closer Than They Appear."  Mandela got me again because I don't remember it saying "Objects in Mirror Are Closer Than They Appear."

6.  Not sure if this is a social justice thing, but they are saying that Shaggy never had an Adams Apple... I would disagree. (Mind control stuff?  Hmmmm)

7.   Who spells White Out without the "h."  They say it was never there.. 

8.  Who remembers the song We Are the Champions?  Who is certain Freddie ended the song with the phrase "of the world...."?  I am.  Apparently he never said those words.

In closing, who shares the same timeline as me?  Please drop a comment below and share any Mandelas you've experienced.  It seems as though new ones emerge every day.

Love and light, Lynn 

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Love To Push Those Buttons said...

What happened to Idyllwild, or was it spelled different(Idyllwilde?), south of Los Gatos? There is a street in Los Gatos called Idylwild Rd, but I remember seeing a sign further south when we used to go to Soquel all the time, and a former boss checked it out to see if he'd move there. He decided against it, because on of the families with a rental let their livestock in the house, and he called them the 'tree people'. He said it was like 'Deliverance'. No sign of the town now anywhere on line. It was like it never existed. Did I switch multiverses, or what?

There were other things. I remember seeing a movie that wasn't made yet. The Black Dahlia. When it came out, I looked for the 'original', and it didn't exist. It's enough to set one to bang their head against the wall. Other things too, but I'm not gonna write a book, here.

Robert Schoen said...

The Mandela effect really is a fascinating topic and I remember most of these and even more because of growing up as a kid in the '50's. The most enigmatic and perhaps valid cases of the Mandela effect are the memories of people like Nelson Mandela or Frank Gifford having passed in the news and then hearing about them dying again much later. The subtle changes of product logos and lines from movies or popular songs does seem more like deep state gas-lighting that could have been more easily accomplished by Black Hats to throw people off balance and get them to mistrust their own judgement. If the product logos were always the same, how come people are able to find images of the original ones in old magazines or even on old bottles?

I find it highly suspicious that most of these Mandela changes are always over very insignificant alterations over trivial things that don't really matter. Why not big changes, like another guy being elected President or Pope, or finding records of a war that never happened in History books?

I would never discount the possibility the possibility that time travel and CERN could be at the bottom of some of these changes in which minor things like the loop on the "o" of the Ford logo was altered. Meatloaf even wrote a song about the "Objects may be closer.." on rearview mirrors so the current warning is not what it used to be. If this is some experiment in altering history, it would make sense they would experiment with tiny changes before trying to alter bigger historical events.

But fakery is more probable for the purpose of gaslighting us and make us question our memory. I remember when women started to come forward with repressed memories of child abuse the news was full of experts talking about false memories to doubt these women. Maybe that's why the girl wearing braces that falls in love with Jaws in 'Moonraker' now has her not wearing braces. This change is almost certain a CGI scam because someone had an old VHS cover with that scene on the back where you could see they merely whited out the girl's braces.(Also why would they ever choose to highlight this relatively insignificant sight gag scene that makes no sense with the girl NOT wearing braces on a 45 year old VHS box of a James Bond movie except to gloat over their feat of gaslighting?)

If CERN was created to alter history or create a portal for dark elements, maybe some of the Mandela effects were baby step experiments to see what they could accomplish but I'm open to here Lynn's and others' take on what they are and why they are doing this deliberately.

Truth & light said...

But these products/shows are from the power that wanna be…..maybe its gaslighting/mind tricks?!

RealCousinIT said...

I believe these alterations are due to the Paradox, every time they change something
In the past it changes items in the future to reflect the new timeline. Dolores Cannon
said that we can change timelines many times a day.

Jo said...

Cynthia Sue Larson has a site with user stories about reality shifting you may find interesting. http://www.realityshifters.com/pages/yourstories.html

For me, while looking for an appetizer to bring to Thanksgiving next week I noticed that antipasta is now spelled antipasto. Different spelling for me.

The enlightened one said...

You don't need CERN for this. Could probably be accomplished with black magic, if you wanted to intentionally create a Mandela effect.

My hypothesis to explain the Mandela effect is that certain static (non-changeable) portions of reality are symbolically linked (in people's minds) to other portions that are dynamic (changeable). If the dynamic portions of reality are altered, they may telekinetically induce a change in the static properties of reality they are symbolically linked to.

The more people that have knowledge about a certain static property of reality, the stronger becomes the telekinetic force to change it due to other, symbollically coupled dynamic properties having changed.

Everything that is part of the past is obviously static and unchangeable. While for example, the current president or the current songs in the charts are dynamic.

To use an analogy: Imagine that you're building a wall using magnetic building blocks. You cannot directly change the position of the lower blocks of the wall (representing the past). You can only add new blocks to the wall. However, some of the new blocks added may magnetically influence some of the blocks further down, and cause them to change their location. This magnetic force represents the symbolic coupling between different aspects of reality in people's minds.

Juliana S Miles said...

A few weeks ago my husband and I were going camping for the weekend. He wanted to bring his blue trackpants. So we started the search. We went through the bedroom checked the dresser drawers several times, under the bed, through the closet. We walked in and out of the laundry room several times even went as far as looking behind the washer and dryer. We spent probably a good twenty minutes looking (he really wanted those track pants). After arguing about it we gave up and went away for the weekend. When we came home I could hear my husband in the laundry room calling for me. We look down and there are the trackpants right in the middle of the laundry room floor. There was no way that we missed that, we would of tripped over them walking in! It still freaks us out.

Ryno said...

I remember when Isaiah 11:6 was "the LION shall lie down with the lamb" but now it is "the WOLf shall lie down with the lamb."

Robert Schoen said...

Very cool to read the thoughts of others on this topic, but I'll bet the missing sweatpants is more a case of "the Borrowers." It seems to me most Mandela effects involve spelling typos, incorrect dates, or the erasure or change of famous or well-known words or expressions. (@ryno: the 'wolf' may have come in during the 2020 NASB revision, it's famous as a Lion for almost 2 centuries.) This could suggest that the changes are a symptom of a hiccup-like distortion of the binary code that shapes our world or at least our perception of the world as a projection of God's vision ala the philosopher Hume.

However the other thing about Mandela effects is that they all (at least those commonly known) involve well known personalities, products or pop culture where they'll be more easily recognized. I seem to have remembered the gold mask of King Tut having a headdress with just a Cobra and thought the Cobra and Vulture head band was a Mandela effect, like some thought the Mona Lisa changed its smile, which didn't happen, so I could've been wrong about Tut's headpiece, but both these examples are commonly known artworks. Unless there's also major Mandela historical changes of places, events and personalities, I still think these effects are part of a C_A gaslighting agenda to make us doubt our memories. Maybe one day they'll change the National Anthem's "Land of the Free" to the "Land of the Fried" to reflect what they're really doing to us.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

Thanks so much for the comments! I really enjoyed reading those and the different perspectives. I do find Mandela really interesting!

xxx said...

Cern is created to make materia from "nothing" - from ether. It works like plasma making procedure, but somehow inside-up. PTW want to make for themselves eterneal body...