Friday, October 7, 2022

DeSantis - The Real Deal?

Q.  Hello Lynn, Can you see if DeSantis is who he claims to be or is he a plant from the dark side? Thank you!

A.  This is something that many are concerned about.  We've definitely had situations were promises were made or high hopes were given, only to see that not much changed and the politician in charge is just the other side of the same coin.  In fact, I get that in most elections, especially with seasoned or career politicians many times they have been manipulated by the same higher powers (that were).  I also get the concept of voting (most times) is to create the illusion that there is a choice, but in reality (most times) the results are already known and the vote is just the means to an end.  

So... DeSantis?  Who is he and what is he about? As I think on him specifically he does feel to be genuine.  He has a patriotic vibe and even though somewhat of a man who will take orders from someone he respects, I see him being true to his convictions.  If there is an internal conflict, he will question it.

For these reasons, I see that he is getting lots of push back.  The normal tactic of these "powers" is to threaten, harass or intimidate.  Even things like making someone's job harder or blocking progress feels to be a normal mode of operation (ie make a hurricane devastate your state).  Right now DeSantis feels to be in the "getting harassed" stage and the Powers That Were are making him notice what he is up against. 

As things advance, I get they will try hard to get him to align with them, even in a subtle way.  I also sense they will work to create some kind of blackmail situation (another favorite technique).  As of right now, DeSantis feels to be the real deal and pretty strong in his belief system.  He carries a good moral compass.  Please send some love and light his way and help him stay stronger and wiser than his opposers. 

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light, Lynn 

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Robert Schoen said...

I think the Hurricane they sent to Florida is the best indicator of the threat Desantis poses to them (plus it must have hit MaraLago hard as well, kind of a twofer like a second FBI raid.) The best thing about Trumpet is that he inspired a generation of new politicians like Jim Jordan, Matt Gaetz, Marjorie Taylor Green,Desantis and others to work for Americans instead of their own pockets. They've all been attacked and/or physically threatened. Disinformation is everywhere, even on Realrawnews.

margaret m martin said...

Lynn can you please look into if whether B*den will bomb usa in order to blame russia or not?....also i hope de santees is the real deal.....OCtober9th is the day of rosary prayer if people wish to join in around 1 pm est...its for nations salvation

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Robert: Great point. I do think it was a two-for!! They don't like either man..

@margaret: I think some kind of false flag will happen to use as a blaming tactic, just not sure what yet.. I love the idea of a prayer!!

wickedlydia said...

He seems to be a good man. People want him to run for a higher office. However, his family makes him vulnerable and his children are little. We already know what the opposition is like and they hold to no rules.

Hannon said...

D’santiz is a little too close to the isis-ra-el for my tastes, even if he is real. Even if he is fully morally convicted, I’m more concerned with what gets done or not, rather than the intent is doing them. Even his don’t say gay hubbub, wasn’t any kind of victory for us, as it basically is saying, that 4th grade, is an okey time, to start pedo grooming our kids. I know I’m being a Debbie downer, but I just don’t see him doing much more, than our standard Republican thing, but we need so much more. I’m also getting a vibe, of the system trying to coral all the energy, into some kind of a Christian nationalist fad, so they can squash it like the tea party.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

He is def someone to watch... overall good vibe, but still watch.