Friday, October 14, 2022

AI and the Antichrist

Q. There are now a few AI art generators such as Dall-E 2 which create art based on a text description. One artist was experimenting and found that by using inverse prompts the AI would return images with certain words like LOAB that, when fed back in to the AI would create very disturbing images. (see this vid ) My guess is that AI is connected to Lucifer and his minions are seeding this reality with the names of demons such as LOAB. It does seem obvious that the dark cult is intending to subvert all that is natural (e.g.. the whole trans and transhumanist agendas), and since we are all a part of One organic consciousness, it seems feasible that an inorganic 'artificial' consciousness would be the antithesis of SOURCE. This further explains the graphene oxide + nanotech in the shot and likely also in the chemtrails, water and food supply.. It's a plan to trap humanity in the metaverse connected to, and manipulated by AI...

A. This was a very powerful question that I wanted address. Many people question who or what is the Antichrist. The book of Revelations has many people wondering if we are in end times with the shifting of our world and detachment many are experiencing with the separation from the Christ consciousness (or Source consciousness).

In looking at the recent beer bug, this looks to have sparked the fear mindset to get other agendas in motion. Without fear, panic or an illusion of threat on the health/safety of a person, it would have been difficult to proceed. This bug allowed evil people at the top (the minions of the devil/dark) to create a concoction (shot) that would create a pathway to detach people further from God/Source and even each other. This is further exacerbated by the hate and division over many aspects of humanity including those that took the shot versus those that didn't. Those that took the shot now have various DNA modifying components in their body along with metallic "markers" (graphene) that can be triggered to further the minion quest and redirect people to a more lower vibe frequency. Light cannot exist in the presence of dark, so the minions want to fill the world with as much dark as possible.

The graphene shot can open up the gateway to both 5G activation (watch for odd behavior or people acting under a trance/mind control). The nanoparticles also aid in this as the person becomes a host of the AI bits. There is also the issue of ALL the video game and 3D electronics (such as the Oculus) that have sucked in many people (this is a reading on it's own) and creating a generation that is further from humanistic contact and relationships.

I cannot for sure say that AI is the Antichrist, but I can see that they will lead humanity in a direction to which the Antichrist will become evident. They are most definitely the precursor.

Watch out and do your research before putting ANYTHING in your body!

And that is all I have for this reading. Love and light, Lynn

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Ryno said...

Artificial "Intelligence" is the topic I recommend people really start paying attention too. The cabal no longer has the support of the Dr@co, they left. But the cabal is weak and cannot control humanity without help so AI has come to fill that void. The old ways of magick, rituals, and fear being replaced with technology. A lot of people we see on the screen are simply programmed clones. You will think the "white hats" are winning because the old ways are/will be exposed and new, incredible and miraculous technology will come out. This is simply the next phase to transhumanism.

Doesn't Klaus Schwab and his minions with the WEF seem like TV villain's? The fact there is so much out there easily accessible like the Great Reset and Agenda 2030 means that is not really the plan. All this stuff playing out right now is just so scripted and dumb.

SB said...

Do you think we will become the jrods that the military insiders have talked about they were humans that became grey like from gene modifications and they all moved eventually to orion but time travel back here.

Robin Hood said...

In many way the translation of the Apocalypse of St. John is is a metaphor and allegory to internal cycles with individuals and communities/ nation etc. Can these writing such as revelation become literal manifestation, they can, though I am inclined to see as the collective consciousness manifesting the collective belief. Christ Consciousness (SOURCE) is ultimately within us and becomes so much stronger when other that are aware of that come together. The force is truly with us.

Our own up brings and surrounding, education, and environment can really turn everything upside down by trying severe the connection with source and reaching our Christ consciousness by etherization of the blood. Ultimately though we have free will, but we can be tricked to think there is no choice or things just are the twisted way that they are presented. Tapping into ones inner light can heal and guide the way. I will say that in no way indorse the shot, but for those that were coerced to take the shot, I will say that Light wins in the end, SOURCE wins. If you put that situation of having been fooled or coerced into take the jab, put it up to the highest light to heal and Source will guide and present a path to overcome that situation. darkness and 'they" have no power over LIGHT or over riding your deepest subconscious connection with your divine essence and SOURCE. AFFIRM that and accept with gratitude and peace and patience and let it guide you. A path to overcome, neutralize and reverse the affects and purpose of jab is possible.

Seek and you shall find.
Hope is not lost.
Light and strength!

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Ryno: So true and this is so scripted.

@SB:I'm not sure. I sense we will become something else..

@Robin Hood: Thanks so much.

xxx said...

Graphene isn´t metallic. Probably metallic component is Ferrum, Bohr, Lithium+ stabilizing chrystal.

Truth/knowledge Master said...

Hoping for the best for the world.
thanks for the insight.

Love and light upon humans. Serenity and harmony upon the earth.

The enlightened one said...

I signed up and tried out the dall E2 AI. I entered "hidden ruler of the Earth", and it showed me pictures of reptiles. Turns out David Icke was right!

I entered "Outcome of the war between Russia and Ukraine", and it showed me a picture of a Ukrainian flag torn apart laying on the ground, and a Ukrainian tank blown to pieces. So it seems the AI thinks Russia is gonna win the war.

I also entered "symbolic representation of the future of Nato", and it showed me a crystal ball with a fighter jet inside, pointing downward as if about to crash. In another picture, it showed a group of men in black suits with their backs showing in the picture, as if they were turning their backs on something. I interpret this as the AI thinking nations will turn their backs on Nato?

The enlightened one said...

The Amazon's Alexa AI is also quite creepy. Have a look at this:

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@xxx: Feels super toxic and reactive... Thanks for sharing that point. The other components should be looked at.

@Truth/knowledge master: :-)

@enlightened one: Oh wow! That is super interesting! I also agree with the Alexa thing too! Very creepy!

RL said...

I refuse to let Alexa in my house. My friend has it in every room in her house and her kids talk to it. I'm like no thanks.

Amelia said...

@RL Rigggghhhht!!!! Why does it seem everybody else is so eager to let "them" in?!

I'm convinced sometime a few years ago we somehow were transferred into an alternate reality of sorts... Because something is different.. Very much the same place, but at the same time, very VERY different.

The sun is different, the moon is different, the stars are different... Nothing appears the way it did when I was a kid. Is this because AI has already taken over the world and now we are just living out the outcome as it plays out, thinking it hasn't happened yet, though it already has?

I've even talked to a few people who have shared similar private wonderings whether everyone in their life had secretly been replaced by clones and currently represent only shells of the people we once knew.. Like someone has brainwashed everyone I know, especially those close such as family. Of course we are not serious when we have these thoughts and conversations, but in some small way... WE kind of ARE!!!!

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@RL: I don't do it either. We have enough things spying on us that I don't need more.

@Amelia: I agree this is does feel different, and so many are oblivious to it..