Thursday, August 4, 2022

Chocolate Lovers

Q.  How about a question on why humans are so attracted to chocolate! Is there a spiritual frequency it fulfills? Are there people who aren’t attracted?

A.  I get that people are attracted to it because of how it makes them feel.  There are a variety of chocolates from milk chocolate to dark.  The type of chocolate people want or crave correlates to the sugar content.  There is also element of caffeine that draws people in.  Both the caffeine and sugar work like a drug.  

In going a little deeper, it isn't the taste that makes some people feel addicted or spark cravings.  It is the content within it.  It is psychological, and the feel after eating it (even though followed by a crash) makes the body want more.  For those that genuinely like the taste, I encourage you to consider that you mind associates the taste with the effect of consuming the caffeine/sugar, therefore, making you think you like the taste, but it is your brain wanting fed.  (How many people learned to like coffee or any other vice..?)

There are people that aren't attracted to it.  Some people don't respond well to caffeine.  There are also people who don't  eat much sugar in there diet, so the overload can leave them feeling ill.  Lastly, like I said above, it isn't always the taste that draws people in, it is the need for the caffeine/sugar.  Some folks just have an aversion to the taste.

Interesting reading!  Thanks for the suggestion!  And that is all I have for this reading.  

Thank you.  Love and light, Lynn 

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Cyber said...

I am one of the few who gets ill after taking choco, always wondered why i am different from others.

Robert Schoen said...

I'm back on keto and for a treat mixed unsweetened dark baking chocolate chopped up in butter, with a little cream cheese added and liquid stevia and it tastes better than sugar sweetened chocolate and it's easier to control portions and be satisfied when its carb/sugar free and you have to make it yourself.

SB said...

For me I only crave it during that time of the month and it makes me feel better. ��

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@everyone: Interesting! Chocolate sure touches people differently....

The enlightened one said...

No wonder people like it. It's not for nothing it's called the "food of the Gods"! The darker the better.

Plom said...

I wonder how much other civilizations come to here Earth just for chocolate?

The enlightened one said...

They're probably still returning to stock up on it from time to time. Forget about subjects for genetic experiments or hot human ladies. It's the cacao they want!

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@enlightened one and Plum: LOL, for real!

Plom said...

@Lynn Yes, for real, which is odd if all plants are here originated from other planets. Maybe You could look upon it.

Kalamota Kook said...

Chocolate's one of the only vices I've got left, hehe. But I try to stay low carb, so I only eat the 85-90% hardcore cocoa solids. My local supermarket even sells the 100% Montezuma brand, which is like chocolate favoured lead! The high cocoa solid ones, are so dense and rich you actually don't need very much before you've had enough. Cocoa has some really valuable compounds in it which I think are especially useful for women's health (high fives SB!)

There's an interesting story about Audrey Hepburn which people may not know. She had a terrible time during WW2 in the Netherlands where there was famine on top of all the other dangers and traumas.

She and her family learned about their liberation when an American soldier appeared outside their house. It was the smell of his cigerette smoke that told them, hiding indoors, that the allies had finally taken over. Continental cigs had a very distinctive pungent smell, and this was the American / British style cig smell, very different.

Audrey went outside and the soldier gave her a cigarette and a bar of chocolate. She was in such a bad way that they made her sick, but to her they were literally the taste of freedom. I find it impossible to even imagine how intense that was. For the rest of her life cigarettes and chocolate were like a daily religious ritual. Even if it was just one square of chocolate a day.

I've had a bit of dark chocolate every day through the current war and I call it medicinal!

Love, Peace, and Light. said...

Stay healthy, stay optimistic in kaliyuga years. 🙏🏽 God bless you, God loves you forever. 💕 👍🏼 🌍

La Realidad said...

Raw cacao is actually extremely healthy. It contains many miraculous beneficial compounds including a precursor to serotonin, anandamine which induces feelings of bliss, PEA, and is incredibly high in antioxidants, more than vegetables and fruits. It also contains many essential vitamins, minerals and fiber. It is traditionally a plant medicine of the heart center and good for cardiovascular health. It's also good for diabetics. There is a lot more to why people are attracted to chocolate than just the caffeine and sugar!!! I'm drinking a cup of organic raw cacao right now with maca powder.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@everyone: Thanks for the comments! I appreciate the sharing. I learn so much from all of you!!