Thursday, July 14, 2022

Thanks for All Your Support!

I want to take a minute to thank all of you for supporting the blog and helping to grow the community!  As I was working on formatting some upcoming posts I was humbled to realize the blog has been alive for ten year now!  I couldn't do it without each of you. 


kch said...

Congratulations, Lynn! Thank you for all of your posts.

The Great Teddy said...

Thank you Lynn for all the free stuff you put out. A small light in the vast dark.

Guedes de Miranda said...

Thank YOU Lynn, it´s a great source of reliable Info! <3

Cyber said...

Thank you Lynn for all the years of hard work!

It would be great if you could also bring back all the Friday mysteries and life detective works.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

Thanks everyone! @Cyber: We may have something interesting in the works..

EA RW said...

10 years already, we've had a lot of interesting topics

Andrew Dyson said...

Keep up the great work Lynn, even if it feels like a thankless task at times.
We treasure your observations and insights.