Thursday, July 14, 2022

SubscribeStar: Beer Bug Winter Flu

Q.  Lynn people are saying that their typical winter cold and flu is hanging on much tighter to their body now that they've had the beer bug shot. They can't seem to shake this illness and get well again. Do you see a connection to the shot?

A. To see my response to the above question and the video discussion, please visit me on SubscribeStar.

[*If I ever select your question for a SubscribeStar post, and you don't have access, please reach out to me for a copy].

Love and light (and Lots of Gratitude), Lynn

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Robert Schoen said...

There's so much information on alternative treatments, many of which don't require prescriptions like anti-viral Selenium, Zinc Magnesium and other supplements like Vit C and NAC. Anyone can make Hydroxychloroquine by peeling two grapefruit rinds (or one more)put in a pot with 3 inches of water (a quart) and let simmer over lowest heat for 2 hours with lid closed all the time until cool. The medical cartel has failed the people, to say the least, but many brave experts have tried to get out the truth and solutions you can find if you look for them.

ela-mar said...

Robert, I really love and appreciate your comments!