Friday, July 15, 2022

Priority Blog Request: Resident Evil Umbrella Corp

Q. Hi Lynn, I have an interesting topic that has been on my mind for a while now that definitely deserves a public reading!
There is a secret space program that whistleblowers have said exists. Supposedly Umbrella Corporation is a real company. It is set in a parallel earth where Germany won World War 2. They released various viruses that have mutated people into zombies there.  Super soldiers are sent in from the secret space program to kill them. They have since, come to our earth and are messing with this one. (At the Wuhan lab there is clearly an Umbrella Corporation logo, so it could be them?)

What do you see? I would also like to link this site:

A. When I focus on this topic I see images of the show Stranger Things and Terminator. Truth can be stranger than fiction, so the goal is to determine if this is true or just a bunch of fiction. As I focus a little more I understand these "show" references were to help me understand that the premise of the question parallels this. 

I get that there is no other reality or earth that has this type of activity. This is actually occurring in the 3D, and they are trying to infect the higher dimensions, but are not permitted. The Powers That Were are looking for a gateway or loophole to infiltrate these higher dimensions. The ONLY way to gain entry at this point would be to alter or creep into the collective consciousness. 

So how do they do this? They have perceived "whistleblowers" release disinfo to get into the mind's of people. People are taking in so much information and shows like Terminator and Stranger Things create a plausibility of things that can happen,.  What they don't emphasize is the earth is essentially a 3D trap, and higher dimensions would never tolerate this behavior UNLESS we allow and it to happen on a massive scale.  The vibration/frequency of these higher dimensions doesn't harmonize with this evil people.

I hear to be cautious what "whistleblowers" release.  Much of what happens is controlled to plant a perceived idea.  You really have to filter all info through your intuitive filter.  The next thing the PTW will do is try to infiltrate the collective... 

And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you.  Love and light, Lynn 

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Robert Schoen said...

This all sounds way too science fiction to me, but the Umbrella Corp's logo, a group I never heard about before, is used by the "Umbrella Guy" who became Youtube famous reporting on the Depp/Heard trial, so maybe that trial was a dark form of misdirection to keep people focused on the unimportant while major crises and issues went ignored or unreported.

Ryno said...

The alternative community has been lied to so much from "Whistleblowers." There is no "Secret Space Program," well not in the way you have been led to believe. The "space" they want to control is between your ears. Umbrella Corporation is certainly a good name for the the new "PTW" that is forming between the merging of corporations, governments, and A.I.

margaret m martin said...

makes sense to me that the dark powers want to lower our higher vibrations.....that has been their goal through media "programming" for decades and keeping us down without fuel and food is just another tactic from my point of view.

margaret m martin said...

just additionally....the baffoon act of the president is also performed to degrade the honor of ourselves culturally and also directed at this nation that we honor and hold dear and was made by GOD

Unknown said...

Umbrella Corp is a feature of the Resident Evil game series. Supposedly it is fictional, but the PTW have to tell the public what they are doing in order to mitigate legal and karmic liability to themselevs, so "fiction" is a debatable term.

The enlightened one said...

The red stripes on the umbrella look exactly like a Knights Templar cross!

MJ said...

I liked most of the Resident Evil movies before I realized movies hv sinister agendas.. The zombies n clones were from experiments.

Ryno said...

I agree with you MJ. Those locations in Resident Evil are a good example of "truth in plain sight." They were running those type of Zombie programs and simulations in the underground bases with clones and all those underground booms people have been hearing are them destroying their evidence as we continue to march into the next phase of the "Umbrella Corporation."

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

Thanks for taking time to share thoughts and comments! I love reading through them. I think the biggest take away for me was to be cautious what you listen to and believe. A lot of these whistleblowers are just a form of controlled opposition.

Jc mchezo said...

lynn wats your thoughts on scientist having been able to make a drug that makes you live 200yrs and longer.

Andrew Dyson said...

Blogger Unknown said...
"... but the PTW have to tell the public what they are doing in order to mitigate legal and karmic liability to themselves..."

July 15, 2022 at 3:49 PM

Um... In what world would these PTW/Deep State psychopaths ever have any concept of karmic liability, for all of the murders and executions they have overseen in the last 50+ years?