Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Dancing Trees

Q. Here is another odd thing on which to focus. In our own trees, we have noticed one or two branches dancing wildly, back and forth, at midday (give or take) after the Solstice. This happens when there is no wind and every other branch is still. Today, I noticed that others have observed it in their yards. It’s like an elemental is waving hello. I'm interested in whether it’s always been going on and we just never saw it, or if something is new in the trees these past couple years...and what is causing it.

A.  As I focus on this I get this behavior has always existed, but seems to be happening more frequently now.  We are surrounded by other dimensional beings constantly (big foot, fairies), especially when in nature. 

Gaia has many elementals and spiritual beings that are attached or gravitate to her energy.  If you walk in nature not only can you spot leaves/branches moving, you can see faces in bark, rock faces or other structures in nature.  Many times we glaze over them as we resonate in the 3D, but they are there if we open ourselves and observe the space. 

When leaves move it is because something of another dimension is there.  They may be walking, moving or sending a subtle message.  These beings may be hard to see with your 3D vision, but the being is still there.  Respect and honor these beings as their energy and connection to Gaia is very positive.  

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light, Lynn 

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Ryno said...

Hmmm... I was looking out my bedroom into a field of corn this weekend and I noticed what looked like a corn stalk dancing and then another one would start to move around and this continued for a couple of minutes. There was no wind and it was one at a time, and random stalks. I pointed it out to my wife to and she saw it too so I knew I wasn't seeing things. Though strange, I assumed it was just some deer or turkeys or some other animal eating them but now not so sure.

Robert Schoen said...

I'm lucky enough to live near a city park that is full of massive live oaks and never tire of walking and jogging under them as they provide great relief from the blistering sun during summer months. I love these trees and appreciate their mystical properties and healing energies. I will look for this dancing effect, but I recently saw another video that suggests they can also move on their own. Is it great CGI or real?

Juliana S Miles said...

Good Day Everyone

Trees are so beautiful..I have one in my backyard that gives me great joy. I often think of this "Our DNA is made of the same as the DNA of a tree. The tree breathes what we exhale. When the tree exhales, we need what the tree exhales. So we have a common destiny with the tree." - Floyd Red Crow Westerman

margaret m martin said...

read that trees are not bored and travel through their roots to far off places on earth

Celestial said...

I see them dancing lots at odd areas with no breeze nor other leaves or branches moving. I also see them shaped up or formed beautifully (some may be frighten of their looks) in bushes & nature lots. I play around to see them in etheric double like taking photos of bushes/trees/plants with reflection as well in the water feature then rotate them around, you'll see some smiling, some serious some just amazing....wish I can share some photos I have.... I know they are real in my view in my world! ;)

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Ryno: It could have been that or something more dimensional

@robert: I will have to check it out. Trees are amazing!

@Juliana: So true!

@margaret: I do think they is true. It is the ultimate grounding.

@Celestial: That would be cool to share! :-)

Plom said...

Telepathy is a way to communicate with nature.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Plom: I would agree.