Thursday, July 28, 2022

SubscribeStar: Bernie Madoff

Q.  Hi Lynn.  I have a question concerning Bernie Madoff and the Ponzi scheme that he pulled off in 2008.  I just saw an amazing story on him and they never did come up with the $64 billion that he absconded.  They were able to recoup about 125 million from selling off his assets, however the rest of the money has just vanished. Was he working alone or was he controlled by the Deep State or someone else. He admitted his guilt and excepted his sentence. Both of his sons died within a few years of his conviction, and his wife had no communication with him and he died alone in jail.  Thank you very much. I just find it peculiar and was curious.

A. To see my response to the above question and the video discussion, please visit me on SubscribeStar.
[*If I ever select your question for a SubscribeStar post, and you don't have access, please reach out to me for a copy].

Love and light (and Lots of Gratitude), Lynn

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