Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Mind Machine to Meditate

Q.  Hi Lynn,

I have a friend who uses this system. It is a "mind machine" which uses light and sound to help you meditate, relax, reduce anxiety.

It sounds pretty cool but I am always hesitant to do anything that might mess too much with my brain. Can you tell if this is a safe product?  

Thank you! 

A.  When I think on this product I get it can be beneficial, but isn't required to get into a deep meditation.  I see it helps the mind quiet down so outside influences aren't as impactful.  Binaural beats or guided meditations can be helpful in getting into a good zone, but if you are someone that is challenged with quieting the mind or overly anxious, this device feels to be more intense.

I do see this is a safe product, but you may want to try other things too that feel less "techy."  Music, listen to 528 Hz tones,  yoga, breathwork, nature, etc... feel to be more natural ways that can aid in meditations, relaxation and anxious feelings.  I get to try to do more organic approaches and if all else fails, give it a try.

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light, Lynn 

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Robert Schoen said...

It's ironic that in a time when most people's stress is the result of constantly being bombarded by input from internet, cell phones, computers, ect., that instead of getting away from screens and fear porn with a visit to nature, some seek peace in another high tech device that's closer to what they do in daily life that contributes to stress. We have to learn to be comfortable being in our own thoughts without constant external input. But if this is a tool that can help others, it might ween them off the need to constantly be "connected"

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Robert: Good points!