Friday, July 29, 2022

Attack on Farmers

Q.  Would you be able to address the "attacks" on the farmers world wide under the guise of helping the "Climate"?  It seems the Deep State wants to control farms and farmers, annex the farms  and create food shortages. After all there is a "bug" production plant here in Canada that is mass producing crickets for human consumption. Can the people stop this?  

Thank you so much!

A.  I hear the phrase "when you control the food, you can control the people."  They are slowly consuming one of the last valuable commodities that exist- land!  They like to control the farmland via what is grown, used, produced, or sold to developers.  By bankrupting farmers they can get the land for pennies on the dollar.  

And here is the bigger plan... They are shifting to try to get it to where people have a tough time owning property.  By gobbling it up they can create both a shortage and inflated price.  People who are lucky enough to do person to person (word of mouth) transactions will have the best success at acquiring land because once it hits the market foreign investors and large companies will start looking at it.  

Any why is this?  What are THEY doing?  These people have the money to pay fees and taxes that support the agendas of the Powers That Were.  They also keep people in a state of renting or leasing.  People who own can slowly become independent, but people that rent always have a bill that needs paid.  Rent essentially pays the mortgage for the investor, and the investor only has their credit at risk.  The renter helps the investor pay off their own debt.  This is how the wealthy stay wealthy, and the average person has a harder time trying to get ahead.

Not only does developing this farmland into more cluster housing inhibit owning/self-reliance, it also prevents people from growing their own food, hunting because there isn't land available to do so.  I get they want us to live in pods much like many do in China.  People are a resource to extract revenue (taxes, etc) so they want to increase their revenue and prevent them from having an easy was to exit the system (never fully retire).  

We are in for some sad times.  I do get people that want to virtue signal will get on the cricket bandwagon, but those that resist will slowly try to exit cities and work to become independent from this mess.  

Absolutely unreal the direction things are headed.  Try to do what you can to plan for it.  

Love and light, Lynn 

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Robert Schoen said...

Many countries have passed laws forbidding China from buying up properties which raises the prices of real estate for everyone. The Chinese have been aggressively buying up land and properties in Canada and I'm certain that that the United States is soon to follow if they're not already doing it.

Diane said...

Yes, the Chinese have been buying a lot of residential, commercial (terrible landlords) and agricultural land in Canada since Expo ‘86. When I was in the Netherland 5 years ago (before the clot shot was required to fly in, out, and all around Canada) there was a ton of real estate there owned by the Chinese sitting empty, making it difficult for Dutch people to buy affordable housing.

The enlightened one said...

Not to mention electricity shortages.
The city of Hanover in Germany has already shut off heating and hot water in all public buildings. They are mentioning the lacking Russian gas as a reason.

In Sweden, the electric grid authority has warned there may be planned power outages in Southern Sweden this winter/fall, due to lack of electricity. And they blame everything on Russia.

EA RW said...

So in other words western civilization is flushed down the drain by it's own religion. If you haven't figured it out by now that we are being lied to and deceived you're in for a rude awakening.
It is distastefull. Corporate greed has become the norm.

The enlightened one said...

In the Netherlands, farmers are protesting new rules that will ruin the livelihood of farmers by setting up high penalties for emission of "green house gases", that is tied to agriculture. They argue that the authorities are hoping to buy up the land cheap when they are forced to quit. The protests have now spread to other parts of Europe.

In Sweden where I am, farmers have protested high Diesel prices, that risk making farming non profitable. About 80% of the price is composed of different kinds of taxes to punish activities that are seen to harm the climate.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@everyone: Yes, it is getting really bad!