Monday, June 20, 2022

Mystery Cow Deaths - More Manipulation?

Q.  What is going on with the 10,000+ cows that dropped dead in Kansas?  

A. This is quite a sight and very alarming.  Immediately I realize this was intentional but the real questions are Why? and How?  They are trying to destabilize the food supply so they can be the solution to the problem they create.  There is also an agenda to force people into a vegetarian/vegan diet/processed food diet and if people won't do it willingly, they will drive the price so high and reduce/limit access to meat so people are indirectly forced into the food they want us to eat.  It will be those with money get to eat the meat, and those that don't will eat what they get. 

One of the most controlling and cruel way to control people is though food.  They want ultimate control of this basic need for survival.  Hungry people can be very desperate, and they know this from times of famine and war.

I see they have two tactics to attack livestock and/or crops.  One is through the food source (tainted grain/fertilizers) and the other is via chemtrails.  They seek out big farmers, or regions that aren't on the agenda plan, and find ways to sabotage their farm.  I get these cows consumed tainted grain that impacted their blood (made it thick) and increased blood pressure.  The man made heat wave then triggered an unfavorable environmental situation and many cows died of a stroke.  They could use the narrative that the cows died due to higher temps, but the root cause was something much more nefarious.

Do you live in this area?  What are you experiencing and seeing?  Please drop a comment below.

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light, Lynn 

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wickedlydia said...

I think that by doing this, they have awakened more people to what is happening in the world. If it truly was the heat, then cattle would have been dying from the heat for years and there would be no cattle in the southern states and countries. They would have better served to have done this at the equator instead of so far north. No one believes their story. They have been ‘hoisted by their own petard’.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@wickedlydia: I agree..

The enlightened one said...

'hoisted by their own petard'. Never heard that expression before. Very interesting.