Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Electric Universe - Is Everything Founded on Electric?

Q.  Hi Lynn,

I recently came across the Electric Universe Theory that says the entire universe is made of electricity. After reading more on I feel convinced there's some truth in it that the modern sciences refuse to examine.  Furthermore, there are talks of an electric God in a metaphysical novel where the author says electricity in its purest form is God and in all living beings. The author also gives the description on how this purest form of electricity is the conscience that forms all souls in humans, animals, plants, insects or even micro-organisms. When I consider this fact- I find it may be true after all. All evidences and signs given in all the holy books point to the same fact in different words.

Do we humans have a terrible misunderstand or under-understanding of what we know as electricity?

I would be very grateful for your answer. Thanks in advance.  

A.  When I think about the universe, the biggest thing I see is the element/anomaly of magnetism.  Like attracts like both physically and energetically.  When you  look at an element in it's most finite particles, it is a magnetic bond that holds it together.  When we see an object, we see the billions/trillions of finite magnetically bonded particles combined.

Then I wanted to take it is step further and analyze how this magnetism works, and it does go deeper.  I see that when a particle is magnetically charged, it impacts the polarity inside it.  Energy/electric moves in a natural motion, and when paired with a like object (electrons flowing in the same direction), it magnetically attracts to keep the energy/electric flowing in that same direction.  When a magnet repels, it is actually a way that the object says "the energy/electric within it is going the wrong way."  It truly is the bases of electricity and electron flow that creates the magnetic bond that holds all things together.  (As I do this reading I get it is no accident that the word "city" in within the word "electricity."  Watch for a future reading on this as it is an entirely different topic..)

I get that the reason magnet therapy works is because you are directing an electric/energy flow in a specific way promoting health.  This is also why defibrillators work to resync the heart- forcing an electric charge to get the heart in the proper electric rhythm The body does have an electric spark, and I see that housed in the spirit.  That spark is rooted in Source/God/Universal Conscious.  At the moment of conception when the spirit enters, it is that spark of electric that starts the heart.  

Very interesting topic!  Thanks for the suggestion. 

Love and light, Lynn 

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Carlene said...

Wonderful! Love this info.

Robert Schoen said...

This is a great insight on the magnetic nature of all matter which is so complicated to understand but has been figured out by Tesla and Coral Castle's Ed Leedskalnin. Thanks Lynn, and I love the observation that "city' is part of electricity.

The enlightened one said...

Very interesting, but what is the magnetic direction of flow that gives rise to the electric field? Whatever it is, it must look the same no matter how you rotate it, because contrary to a magnetic field, an electric field looks the same in all directions. Perhaps inward or outward?

The enlightened one said...

String theory is often touted as the universal theory that will unite all other forces. Do you see it being successful in doing that?

Ryno said...

Coming Soon to help with the "energy crisis," technology companies (AKA D@RPA) to release pills and implants for the people so you can harness your electricity/energy to power all your fancy technology.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Carlene: You are most welcome!

@Robert: Stay tuned... I will plan a post on it, but I didn't want to get too much off topic. That goes down more of a tartarian rabbit hole.

@enlightened one: I'm not sure i'm following the question. I see it is terms of left and right, like a push pull. Magnetic pull feels like a DC current that drills in one direction.

I'm not sure I resonate with the string theory...

@Ryno: Nothing would surprise me... *sigh*

MJ said...

No wonder there is "spark of life" phrase

Anonymous said...

Great topic. I intuitively feel that electricity is the purest form of universal energy that the earth can manifest. I believe universal energy is much more powerful than earth's electricity, but we can't access pure universal energy due to our limitations as earthlings.

When we technologically harnessed electricity, in doing so, we harnessed the earthly form of universal energy. That, in turn, harnessed the universal energy in humans to create new technology and discover new insights at warp speed. We are hurtling into the future on fast-forward due mostly to our discovery of how to harness electricity aka universal energy.