Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Conspiracy Theory Wednesday: Mon-Key Pocks and TX Event

Q. Hi Lynn, I have a couple of questions regarding the devastation that occurred in TX. Was the shooter somehow brainwashed into doing this so that those in power could say that citizens need to be dis-armed. Do you see them being successful in that agenda?
A.  As I think about this situation, I absolutely see the that the flag waving was false.  There is and has been an agenda to keep us divided.  Emotions and virtue signaling has been a proven way for those in power to get what they want.  They create a scenario and in the name of a perceived "doing the right thing" they get people to give up rights while judging and bullying others to do the same.  Those that see this manipulation for what it is stand up and fight against it.  It becomes a battle between those that feel virtuous by giving up freedoms against those that stand strong and want to preserve their rights..

So what is the plan?  The powers create scenarios to evoke these emotional triggers.  They have wanted guns forever, and are working tirelessly to get them.  They prey on youth/schools because they are typically unarmed and also create such a heartache at the loss of life of youth.  

The powers found and groomed a mentally challenged kid and made sure they could fulfill this event before school was out of session for the summer.  

I fully see them trying to make a play on guns using the argument that the ease of obtaining guns is too unregulated.  Certain guns will be vilified and the virtue signaling spokespeople will be in overdrive to help get this passed.  I ultimately see that they DO NOT take guns, BUT they will tax them ridiculously and may require a license or stamp for specific guns (as a way to inventory and also extract revenue). 

This is a long fight that will go on for at least the next few years.  

Q.  Hi Lynn, 
Could you please look into this Mon-key Pocks (spelled this way intentionally) Who created it?  What's their intention in creating it and will this cause another planned demic like the beer bug?
A.  I get the creators of the beer bug are also behind this. They have really enjoyed this social experiment, and are creative in developing new ones. Even though there are different variants out there, the overall "impact" of the beer bug is lessening.  We are seeing more smiling faces and people are congregating.  With so many shot takers, people are also feeling safer.  They need something new to put out there, so another illness is coming forward. They took something common to many people (chicken pocks - spelled intentionally) and muted it just as they took the common cold to create the beer bug. 

This was planned for release to see what people would do.  I don't see they are getting the fear reaction they hoped they would get.  I do think a "shot" will be developed to "prevent" people from contracting it, but don't see the world shutting down again.  Those that subscribe to the beer bug shot look to willingly take this shot.  After many thousand people voluntarily take the shot,  I do see this losing lots of momentum (but big pharma still looks to make profit).

And that is all I have on this reading.  Stay safe and stay informed!

Love and light, 

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The enlightened one said...

Thank God their scare tactics wont work this time around!
Do you think we will see mass deaths from the accumulated vaxines that people take?
I believe you mentioned something about the zombie apocalypse being close when 5g is activated.

Anonymous Reader said...

There's also a certain timing that comes close to Memorial Day in regards to that TX Event and how everything surrounded it look so sketchy...

Cyber said...

Lynn, thanks for this important reading. The American PTW are really evil in introducing more and more virus. Are the present chicken-pocks vaccine effective against the monkey-pocks virus?

The enlightened one said...

If you don't mind me objecting, I'd say the ptw are an international cabal, and not chiefly American. The plann demic has been orchestrated and planned as much from Europe as from US. German businessman Klaus Swab, head of World Economic Forum has been one of the key figures over in Europe.

East Asia Origin said...
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Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@enlightened one: I do think we will see a lot of death, and 5G will fast track it. I expect more mental illness as 5G scrambles their brains that are full of toxins. I also expect more autoimmune disease coming forward. The human body isn't made to deal with all this foreign stuff.

@Anonymous: The biggest timing I saw was it needed done before school let's out. I'm not saying they didn't have other motives, but the holiday didn't stand out to me.

@Cyber: It looks like a variant, so I'm not sure it is effective. It is similar, but not the same.