Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Australia! What Is Going On? Tanks in the Streets!

Q.  Hi again Lynn.  This time I'd like to ask what's happening in Australia?

We the people have been alerted that we shouldn't panic if we see soldiers in the streets.  They are there to train and keep us safe (?)  Meanwhile we now have tanks arriving..

What is this really all about?  Some are saying its to do with the election and others think we could be in for a civil war.  Or, could it be that they have been instructed by a 'political party'?

We the people are desperate for a change of government so maybe they anticipate violence.  

Love and freedom for us all!  

A.  I realize the elections are over, but I still wanted to take some time to talk about what is happening in this area of the world.

Yes, I see Australia having a very tough time, especially for those rooted in traditional values, conservative morals and beliefs.  Leadership knows that in the upcoming times there will be more division and social unrest as newer "policies" are revealed.  I see one liberal agenda after another being implemented, and taxes allocated accordingly.  Those that have drank the cool aid will go right along with this, but those that oppose the direction the country is going will sit back shaking their heads in disbelief.  There truly is a culture under attack!

I do see lots of protests and tanks being there doing training drills, but this also serves a greater purpose.  Australians will have to comply and be obedient, or you may find yourself being escorted to designated "safe zones."  This is especially unsettling due to the upcoming manufactured illness (mon-key pocks headed for us) on the way.  I do see the brink of a civil  war on the horizon, but it will start first with protests (so they are deterring the protests in hopes of weakening the people).    

As I close this I hear that Australia is in for some tough times.  Try to head to rural areas and become as independent as possible.  Send a little love their way as these people are being taken advantage of with no way to defend themselves.  I then hear "America, Wake up, you are next!"

And that is all I have for this (very disturbing and heart breaking) reading.  Love and light, Lynn 

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chris said...

By not complying, you mean the injection?

Andrew Dyson said...

Hi all,
Big hello from us NON COMPLIANT folk in Queensland, Australia.
So last weekend we just over saw yet another fraudulent rigged election result by the AEC, with no accountability at the ballot box whatsoever; utter manipulation of the Westminster system. Not dissimilar to what the USA experienced in late 2020.
Both Liberal and Labor here are criminal cartel corporations, listed on stock exchange, totally in breech of our Constitution, yet our populace of numpties still voted for them.
Same parties who enforced Klaus's beer bug skamdemic during 2020-2021, and destroyed everyone's business and lives.
Plenty of Independents ran for the Senate, however very few got through.

Population here basically too stupid to save itself; if Trum-pet or some other higher power doesn't intervene, these parasites will have the country bankrupted and handed over to the U.N.; this is the agenda going on here.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@chris: I think the shot is one of the things...

@Andrew: So sad... totally unreal..

Anniemouse said...

Hi Lynn, this is so sad to read. Will people be forced to take the shot, or go to a camp? Will this sort of pressure tactic spread worldwide? To the U.K. and Europe after the US? When will things get better? Many thanks for sharing your insights and advice. Take care xx

Robert Schoen said...

Evil politics working against the welfare of a nation's people is truly a worldwide problem. The tendrils of the PTW extend everywhere and they are now being more blatant in their hatred for humanity because they are fighting for their lives and realize their time controlling the world is coming to an end. Besides the fact that people have to stand up against these fascistic tactics, we intuitives can join forces to send out healing to energetically "cleanse" and protect the world from these dark forces and encourage others to wake up to their manipulation and abuse so deeply enabled by the propaganda media.

The enlightened one said...

Regarding the meat abolition agenda we discussed before...
You said they wanted to replace meat with insects.
But what I still don't get is in what way they would benefit from that.

The ptw have a vested interest in the meat industry. Take Mc Donalds for example.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Anniemouse: I do think things are always tested before they go worldwide. Australia cannot defend themselves and it is a good place to start. They are also fairly isolated down there. I do see it spreading if they are successful.

@Robert: Well Said!

@The enlightened one: They will convert the meat industry to either man made meat or a different variety. The corps won't lose, they will just change the way they do it.

In history, part of the evolution of humans was their ability to consume large amounts of protein. Our bodies need essential ammino acids, fatty acids and protein. Our brains and much of the neurological system needs protein to grown and function. Without it we become more stunted. They don't want us big, strong, healthy. They want us eating high fructose corn syrup and processed food.

ela-mar said...

@the enlightened one, I agree with Lynn, and I want to add that pushing the veganism/beyond meat/I can't believe it's not meat agenda it's an attack on manliness. Men need meat, a lot of it, to be strong and They want them to become more feminine, unable to stand up and protect their families, countries etc. Look at men who consume tofu vs the ones who consume steak.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Ela-mar: Very true! Soy promotes estrogen, and they want to pack our boys full of it! Look at ingredients. How many things are soybean oil or soy? It is intentional.

The enlightened one said...

What you're saying is ridiculous, that men would need more meat than women.
I am quite certain if any gender would need more meat, it would be women at least while they're

We don't need strong men, because the problems we face today (contrary to the ones we faced 10 000 years ago) wont be solved by brute force or physical strength alone. The world wouldn't become a better world just because men got stronger physically. Perhaps if they got stronger mentally though, having more courage. But eating meat wont make anyone more courageous.

ela-mar said...

@the enlightened one: I guess we agree to disagree.