Thursday, January 20, 2022

Underwater Volcano near Tonga and Tsunami

Q.  Hi Lynn, Could you look into the Tsunami that hit Tonga's Coast January 15, 2022 after an underwater volcano erupts?

A.  When I focus on this region, I first want to determine if the energy around the area feels "authentic" or "manufactured."  To clarify, does the area feel to be in harmony now, like this eruption reset a balance with Gaia, or does it feel like Gaia was violated and there is something "angry" there? 

Digging deeper, I do sense something "off" in that area.  I don't know that I would describe it as "angry" but definitely not a natural harmony or balance.  It is as if Gaia is upset that some of her beauty was disturbed.  There is something that feels sacred about that area, and it was upset.  The natural environment and energy that felt peaceful had a disturbance.

So what I want to know is if this was indeed unnatural (aka a manmade event) Who is behind it?

I get that China has been trying to upset this region of the world for a while.  I get that Tonga was NOT the intended main target from this, but rather it was supposed to hit New Zealand and Australia .They have been wanting to upset trade routes and destabilize the area.  There is a wealth of natural resources there, and China wants to own the area and have these people submit to them.  If they create devastation and be the solution (through funneling money and bribing local governments) it is a win-win for China.  

They also want to flush out the "no shot" takers.  In order to get government aid I see they will make a "card" necessary.  With this much devastation, people will need government assistance, and what better way to get people to comply?

Please send some love and light to this area.  They are in dire need to repair from this devastation. 

Much Love, 

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Robert Schoen said...

Someone on Tiktoc posted a good slo-mo analysis of moments right before the initial underwater eruption/explosion that caused the tsunami, clearly showing it was a missle going into the water that preceded the eruption, to which commenters said it sounded like a bomb when they first saw it on tv. This raises the question why there was a satellite focused exactly on this spot in the ocean to capture it, was it real as a warning or a fear inducing psy-op? That missile may provide the how to Lynn's who and why. Thanks for this reading!

Guedes de Miranda said...

Adding to @"Schoen"´s comment: here is a link to the tiktok video you mentioned
Thank You Lynn very interesting reading!

Guedes de Miranda said...

actually this is the link, sorry (could also be CGI not sure)

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

Thank you for sharing this info and video!!!

Marie said...

Thank you Lynn. As it was meant to be for NZ and Australia, do you see China attempting to do something similar again in the near future to NZ and Aussie? Thank you so much :)

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Marie: I do think they will keep interfering until they get what they want..

Kyle said...

@Lynn, are NZ & Australia's government aware of this? Are they also formulating plans to counter China? I hope their resistance deters China's advances eventually..

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Kyle: I think they are fully aware. Sadly, some have been bribed and are fully aware of the master plan in the end.

goldenrainbowasana said...

This is so heartbreaking in so many ways.