Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Halloween Week: SubscribeStar: Ouija boards, Spirit boxes and Message boards

Almost every year as Halloween approaches people like to ask about Ouija boards, Spirit boxes and Message boards.  I wanted to take some time to talk about these items and my intuitive impression on what these items do.  

A.  These items are tools used to communicate with the spirit world, but they are NOT toys and are not meant for people that don't understand what it is that they are doing.  These tools open conduits to other densities and create beacons for spiritual energy to be heard.  Some of the beings on the other side are of a higher vibration, and others (many) are not.  The reason that low vibe entities are drawn to these devices are because if people don't know what they are doing, they just open means of communication without setting protection, intent or commanding that only high vibrational beings being allowed to communicate. 

Ouija boards are sold in the gaming isle of the store.  This is intentional to try to dismiss the seriousness of these tools and their ability to bring negative entities into our 3D world.  The PTW (Powers That Were) pray to Baphomet, and in doing so they want to unleash low vibe beings.

Message boards work similar to the way Ouija boards work- don't do it!

Spirit boxes allow people to hear the entity on the other side.  People can range from being curious, to getting somewhat obsessed especially when they are desperate to hear from a loved one.  The caution is that people can be so eager to get a glimpse of a message, they may open themselves up to something that isn't their loved one, or something that is posing as a loved one.  

Bottom line, do not use these tools unless you are confident that you know what you are doing and you set adequate protection.

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light, Lynn 

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Hulsie said...

Baphomet is basically symbolism for united male/female = perfect union. There is deeper esoteric knowledge to be had with this and so so much more. I'm just not good at explaining it all. I recommend everyone to check out Innerstanding channel on YT. No one is perfect but he (Sevan) gives a lot of deep occult and symbolism meanings etc. It could be a half-lifetime of learning and growing into your sovereignty. Everything is about YOU, but the PTW do anything and everything to keep you from discovering that. It is a 'tempting' place and they easily succeed.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Hulsie: Thank you for sharing!

Nurse1277 said...

Hi Lynn, same goes for Tarot readers and Psychics, they must set protection before and after their readings otherwise they are opening themselves up for Demonic attacks.
Interesting subject, thank you.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Nurse1277: You are absolutely right!!