Monday, October 11, 2021

China Power Crisis

Q.  Lynn, What do you see with the power outages in China?  How is this going to impact the world and what is next to come? 

A.  When I think about the power crisis in China, I see a few things going on.  I see that China is in an "unofficial war" with many areas.  There are things going on in the background that remind me of a chess game.  One player makes a move, and the other counters.  They switch off being being offensive to defensive depending on the current strategy and how much impact each move has.

China (I get) is a very polluted area, especially in the more industrial locations.  I hear "they aren't very green when it comes to manufacturing."  Green energy is something the western world started and pushed.  The green movement caught on in other areas, but China didn't subscribe to it.   China runs mostly on coal with a little bit of hydro power.

Reducing the natural resources (blocking coal deliveries) to China severely hurts them.  I get that countries are stopping the supply chain to them as retaliation for China's treatment (CCP way of thinking) toward them.   Countries are tired of being bullied, controlled, and having China come in a buy up their land/resources.  China is also hoarding shipping containers and other goods to intentionally hurt other areas.  One way to get back at China for this behavior (and hopefully stop it) is to freeze them out, literally.  Not only will it hurt their economy, it will provoke HUGE social unrest from within.

What do I see China doing in response?  I see them intentionally shutting down their own outgoing supply chains.  It will be difficult to get certain goods all over the world, and if you do get them expect to pay a premium.  Between shipping containers being hoarded (and some that are hoarded have nothing to do with China and are "stuck at sea on quarantine due to beer bug fear/propaganda") supply routes are challenged.  China also knows that if it doesn't save power for the citizens and throttle it back for manufacturing, they will start to have major social issues at hand.  Chinese people have been trained to be passive, but they won't tolerate freezing or watching family freeze or go without power.

I also get that Kamala knows this is happening too.  She made a comment a while back that people should start to buy Christmas gifts now to have them in time.  She is very aware of this passive war and tit-for-tat action that's been going on.

In time if this isn't resolved I see China lashing out at food supplies and farmland to hurt people.  Stock up now and keep a little in reserve.  This looks to get worse before it gets better.  Winter is coming.... 

Love and light, 

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Unknown said...

Thank you Lynn, this fully answers my question! <3

Cyber said...

I would like to make a correction here. The top suppliers of coal to China are Indonesia, Russia and Australia.

Indonesia and Russia have good relationship with China. China recently boycotted Australia's coal due to a spat recently, which caused the coal shortage.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Unknown: You are most welcome!

@Cyber: Australia has been bullied by China for a while now... I think this is tied to that.

Ryno said...

Whether you like it or not, everyone is a combatant in this war. This really is WW III, no more time to deny it. I want to live a life of peace but the writing is on the wall. The fight for our kids, our future has come to our doorstep. Your country(s), all of you, are trying to be taken from you. Your supply chain is being attacked. The psychologic warfare is intense, one must stay upbeat and remain focused. Don't let the propaganda distract and discourage. They are not just coming for your mind but your physical health as well as everyone who read's this blog knows. Be prepared if you haven't yet. We are going to win, just be ready for all hell to be unleashed first.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Ryno: I agree!

ela-mar said...

after I watched this video (it is long, 5 hours) I can see clearly what is going on, who and why wants to destroy our society so badly. And I believe I finally got what (rather who) wave X is. Only wave X will clean this world.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Ela-mar: Thanks so much for sharing!