Tuesday, September 7, 2021

White Holes

Q.  Hi Lynn I was wondering if you could do a reading on White Holes? Your blog on Black Holes is one of my favorites and I was wondering if you would look at it's opposite, White Holes? There is a theory from scientists/physicists that after you have entered a Black Hole you reemerge on the other side being shot out of a White Hole. Pretty much the opposite of a Black Hole. 

In a Black Hole nothing can escape, not even light.  The theory is nothing can enter a White Hole not even light. Some people have speculated Black Holes and White Holes work like worm holes and it will lead you to another part of space or even another dimension. What do you think White Holes really are? Where do they lead and will humans ever discover and photograph close to one? 

A.  White Holes are a new concept for me, and I wanted to have a closer look to see what would come through.  I get in the Universe everything works in balance.  What I put the idea of a "White Hole" out there, I get that "yes, they exist because they are the counter balance to Black Holes."  

The biggest thing is to determine what they are and their purpose.  Something about Black Holes feel void, like a vacuum. Light rays cannot enter due to their density.  I see as things approach a Black Hole they are "sucked in" as if the object is unable to fight against the gravitational pull within them.  

White Holes, however, feel to work in exactly the opposite way.  They look to repel objects as if to push objects out.  I also see that the white appearance is due to the collection of all light spectrums, making the light itself white.  

As I get a little clarity on the relationship of Black and White Holes, it does look as though each Black Hole does have a partnering White Hole.  One side "pulls" in material, and the other side "ejects" it.  This does appear to work in a way "portal" or "worm hole" type of way.  If a person (or craft) is able to work with the force which is tremendous, they could essentially tunnel to other places via this tunnel.  

I am then shown a magnet as as way to better understand the way these holes work.  When a Black and White hole are formed there is a certain vacuum that forms.  That vacuum, when small, is like have two lower power north poles near one another.  As the vacuum grows, and gravity grows, the two north poles repel and shift with such a force that north grows and stays black while a newer "south" pole is created that emits white light.

Very interesting (and somewhat complex topic, so my apologies if I didn't explain that clearly).  Please feel free to leave question and comments below.  

Love and light, Lynn   

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Cyber said...


Very interesting topic indeed. In your past posts, you said that aliens come in and out of space portals near the sun but these aren't black holes.

What's the difference between space portals and black/white holes because they seem to do the same thing?

Robert Schoen said...

Love Lynn's explanation of Black/White holes,something I know little to nothing about. The cosmos and our perception of space and the universe is so theoretical I think we won't know its true reality until we pass this mortal coil, if even then. Pick your model or construct of the universe to believe and stick to it. I'm starting to believe we're living under God's celestial clockwork and got it all wrong. The wiser you are, the more you realize how little you know.

The enlightened one said...

Amazing thought! Love this reading! This just seems so reasonable and rings so true that you almost immediately must accept it as true, regardless of any psychic perception.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Cyber: They are similar, but the big different is where they go. One is more like a two way portal and the being/craft needs to propel through it. The b/w holes do this via a push/pull and use very little energy on the being/craft.

@Robert: I learn constantly. That must mean I'm wise, lol. :-)

@enlightened one: Glad you liked it.