Friday, September 3, 2021

Magnetic Hills India

Q.  Lynn, can you do a reading on Magnetic Hills?  The road looks like it’s sloping uphill, but it is actually sloping downhill.  It creates an optical illusion so when vehicles travel on it they appear to roll uphill in defiance of gravity. There is a rumor that the magnetic hill outside of Leh, India, leads people to heaven, and visitors flock here to test this strange natural phenomenon for themselves. 

A.  This is a cool illusion.  I get that it is the terrain that creates this feeling rather than a magnetic anomaly.  We are human, and our 3D eyes use the surrounding to get a visual perspective.  While observing the movement on a plane, you are taking a point of view that is just one specific spot, and not taking everything in because you are not physically able to do just that.  Our brain takes those signals and tries it's best to make sense of what it interprets while filling in the blanks of what does not make rational sense.  In this situation, the mountains create a backdrop that tricks the brain into thinking gravity is working in reverse, but in reality it isn't.     

Very cool and fun post!  Check out the video above to see it for yourself.  

Love and light, Lynn 

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1 comment:

Teresa R said...

Hi Lynn …. Wondering if you could look into this missing person case? Seems a bit Sketchy.
