Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Dybbuk Boxes

Q. Lynn, what are your thoughts about Dybbuk boxes? The rate of these things appearing on e-bay is sky rocketing after the release of the movie 'The Possession." These boxes apparently trap low vibe spirits.

People were quick to warn that these things should never be opened and should only be displayed as a decorative item. Over the years YouTubers have recorded themselves purchasing these boxes and opening them. I have no idea which of these videos are real and which ones aren't... The contents have a very random mix of organic and inorganic material. From egg shells, feathers, flower petals to crystals, button, nails, candle holders and even old pictures or unopened letters. What's the deal with these trinkets and why are they significant in keeping the spirit inside? Are they 'bait' for the entity or as a suppressant to keep them docile? The genuine boxes seem to give out foul odor when opened. Of all the boxes being sold on e-bay, how many of them do you reckon are actually captured entities?
One of my favorite YouTubers did I an opening in 2019. This creature (or creatures) have been haunting him till this day. He would record footsteps, sounds and moving objects in his house. Things got worse ever since he threw the box in the forest to rid himself of it. His YouTube channel grew exponentially from these vlogs. I am really curious if you could get a feel on what type of spirit he is dealing with in his first opening video?
(Actual opening starts about 12:43. If you could share what can he do to get rid of this thing from his life it will be great. In his videos, he normally speaks 50% Malay language and 50% English.)

A. When I focus on these boxes, I get THEY are NOT toys and NOT something that should be used as entertainment. I see people that are into negative entities, witchcraft and black magic are creating these boxes and selling them for profit. The boxes contain various trinkets used during spell castings and ceremonies, and then locked into a box or container when the ceremony is completed.

A person obtaining one of these boxes has two things happening. They are handling and bringing a box with items that hold negative energy or attachments into their home or safe space. That alone can feel heavy and require some energy shifting to eliminate.

The second thing happening is the fear and apprehension the person has when being around this object helps to feed and entertain the entity. The worry and belief in what is in the box only magnifies what is there and makes it want to stay.

These boxes are created based on evil and thrive on fear. You can rid yourself of the negative entities, but you have to know and believe you can. Do not bring these in your home. They are not entertainment! There are dark people out there using the curiosity and need for social media likes (ego) to propel and spread these dark energies. Don't fall for it.

Stay safe! Love and light, Lynn

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